Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
A timing record was not deleted.|{n} timing records were not deleted. | Zapis o času ni bil izbrisan.|Toliko zapisov o času ni bilo izbrisanih: {n}. | Details | |
A timing record was not deleted.|{n} timing records were not deleted. Zapis o času ni bil izbrisan.|Toliko zapisov o času ni bilo izbrisanih: {n}.
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A response was not deleted.|{n} responses were not deleted. | Odgovor ni bil izbrisan.|Toliko odgovor odgovorov ni bilo izbrisanih: {n}. | Details | |
A response was not deleted.|{n} responses were not deleted. Odgovor ni bil izbrisan.|Toliko odgovor odgovorov ni bilo izbrisanih: {n}.
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This will update the survey group for all selected surveys. | S tem boste posodobili anketno skupino za vse izbrane ankete. | Details | |
This will update the survey group for all selected surveys. S tem boste posodobili anketno skupino za vse izbrane ankete.
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Theme | Tema | Details | |
A child group can't be set as parent group | Podrejene skupine ni mogoče nastaviti kot nadrejeno skupino | Details | |
A child group can't be set as parent group Podrejene skupine ni mogoče nastaviti kot nadrejeno skupino
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If the link should have any extra classes, please insert them here. | Če bi povezava morala imeti kakršnekoli dodatne razrede, jih vnesite tukaj. | Details | |
If the link should have any extra classes, please insert them here. Če bi povezava morala imeti kakršnekoli dodatne razrede, jih vnesite tukaj.
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This is the content of the menu link - leave blank to use the title. | To je povezava do vsebine menija – če želite uporabiti naslov, pustite prazno. | Details | |
This is the content of the menu link - leave blank to use the title. To je povezava do vsebine menija – če želite uporabiti naslov, pustite prazno.
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The name must be unique for all menu entries throughout the software. | Ime mora biti enolično za vse vnose menija v programski opremi. | Details | |
The name must be unique for all menu entries throughout the software. Ime mora biti enolično za vse vnose menija v programski opremi.
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Load with pjax | Naloži z vtičnikom pjax | Details | |
External Link | Zunanja povezava | Details | |
If the external-option is not set, this will be appended to the current admin url. | Če zunanja možnost ni nastavljena, bo ta dodana trenutnemu skrbniškem URL-ju. | Details | |
If the external-option is not set, this will be appended to the current admin url. Če zunanja možnost ni nastavljena, bo ta dodana trenutnemu skrbniškem URL-ju.
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This will be shown when hovering over the menu. | To bo prikazano pri kazanju na meni. | Details | |
This will be shown when hovering over the menu. To bo prikazano pri kazanju na meni.
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Montenegrin | Črnogorščina | Details | |
Strip HTML code: | Odkrij kodo HTML: | Details | |
Apply and go to survey | Potrdi in pojdi na anketo | Details | |
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