Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
This is an automated email to notify you that your login credentials for '%s' have been reset. | To je samodejno e-poštno sporočilo, s katerim vas želimo obvestiti, da so bile vaše poverilnice za prijavo za »%s« ponastavljene. | Details | |
This is an automated email to notify you that your login credentials for '%s' have been reset. To je samodejno e-poštno sporočilo, s katerim vas želimo obvestiti, da so bile vaše poverilnice za prijavo za »%s« ponastavljene.
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User is already a member of the group. | Uporabnik je že član skupine. | Details | |
User is already a member of the group. Uporabnik je že član skupine.
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Email to %s (%s) failed. | E-poštno sporočilo na %s (%s) ni bilo uspešno poslano. | Details | |
Email to %s (%s) failed. E-poštno sporočilo na %s (%s) ni bilo uspešno poslano.
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The plugin was successfully installed. You need to activate it before you can use it. | Vtičnik je bil uspešno nameščen. Preden ga lahko uporabite, ga morate aktivirati. | Details | |
The plugin was successfully installed. You need to activate it before you can use it. Vtičnik je bil uspešno nameščen. Preden ga lahko uporabite, ga morate aktivirati.
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The plugin was successfully updated. You might need to deactivate it and activate it again to apply changes. | Vtičnik je bil uspešno posodobljen. Če želite uporabiti spremembe, ga boste morda morali izklopiti in ponovno aktivirati. | Details | |
The plugin was successfully updated. You might need to deactivate it and activate it again to apply changes. Vtičnik je bil uspešno posodobljen. Če želite uporabiti spremembe, ga boste morda morali izklopiti in ponovno aktivirati.
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The plugin is not compatible with your version of LimeSurvey. | Vtičnik ni združljiv z vašo različico aplikacije LimeSurvey. | Details | |
The plugin is not compatible with your version of LimeSurvey. Vtičnik ni združljiv z vašo različico aplikacije LimeSurvey.
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Found no plugin with id %d. | Vtičnik z ID-jem %d ni najden. | Details | |
Found no plugin with id %d. Vtičnik z ID-jem %d ni najden.
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Found no plugin with name %s | Vtičnik z imenom %s ni najden | Details | |
Found no plugin with name %s Vtičnik z imenom %s ni najden
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Found no plugin with id %d | Vtičnik z ID-jem %d ni najden | Details | |
Found no plugin with id %d Vtičnik z ID-jem %d ni najden
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Found no configuration file for this plugin. | Za ta vtičnik ni najdena konfiguracijska datoteka. | Details | |
Found no configuration file for this plugin. Za ta vtičnik ni najdena konfiguracijska datoteka.
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Found no plugin, or plugin already active. | Vtičnika ni ali pa je že aktiven. | Details | |
Found no plugin, or plugin already active. Vtičnika ni ali pa je že aktiven.
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Found %s plugins in file system | Najdeni vtičniki v datotečnem sistemu: %s | Details | |
Found %s plugins in file system Najdeni vtičniki v datotečnem sistemu: %s
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Failed saving the role | Shranjevanje vloge ni uspelo | Details | |
You have no access to the role management! | Nimate dostopa do upravljanja vlog. | Details | |
You have no access to the role management! Nimate dostopa do upravljanja vlog.
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Lowercase characters and digits, starting with a character - length from 6 to 60 characters | Male črke in števke, pri čemer začnete z malo črko – dolžina naj bo od 6 do 60 znakov | Details | |
Lowercase characters and digits, starting with a character - length from 6 to 60 characters Male črke in števke, pri čemer začnete z malo črko – dolžina naj bo od 6 do 60 znakov
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