Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Unknown error | Neznana napaka | Details | |
We are sorry but there was a system error and your file was not saved. An email has been dispatched to notify the survey administrator. | Žal je prišlo do sistemske napake in vaša datoteka ni bila shranjena. Skrbniku ankete je bilo poslano obvestilo. | Details | |
We are sorry but there was a system error and your file was not saved. An email has been dispatched to notify the survey administrator. Žal je prišlo do sistemske napake in vaša datoteka ni bila shranjena. Skrbniku ankete je bilo poslano obvestilo.
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Sorry, this file is too large. Only files upto %s KB are allowed. | Oprostite, ta datoteka je prevelika. Naložite lahko datoteke, velike do %s KB. | Details | |
Sorry, this file is too large. Only files upto %s KB are allowed. Oprostite, ta datoteka je prevelika. Naložite lahko datoteke, velike do %s KB.
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Sorry, this file extension (%s) is not allowed! | Oprostite, končnica datoteke (%s) ni dovoljena! | Details | |
Sorry, this file extension (%s) is not allowed! Oprostite, končnica datoteke (%s) ni dovoljena!
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Oops, There was an error deleting the file | Ups, prišlo je do napake pri brisanju datoteke | Details | |
Oops, There was an error deleting the file Ups, prišlo je do napake pri brisanju datoteke
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File %s deleted | Datoteka %s je bila izbrisana | Details | |
Completed | Zaključeno | Details | |
An email has been sent to the address you provided with access details for this survey. Please follow the link in that email to proceed. | Na e-mail naslov, ki ste ga navedli, je bilo poslano sporočilo z navodili za dostop do ankete. Za nadaljevanje ankete sledite povezavi v sporočilu, ki ga boste prejeli. | Details | |
An email has been sent to the address you provided with access details for this survey. Please follow the link in that email to proceed. Na e-mail naslov, ki ste ga navedli, je bilo poslano sporočilo z navodili za dostop do ankete. Za nadaljevanje ankete sledite povezavi v sporočilu, ki ga boste prejeli.
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Thank you for registering to participate in this survey. | Hvala za registracijo za sodelovanje v anketi. | Details | |
Thank you for registering to participate in this survey. Hvala za registracijo za sodelovanje v anketi.
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%s cannot be left empty | Polje %s ne sme biti prazno | Details | |
The email you used is not valid. Please try again. | Ta elektronski naslov ni veljaven. Prosimo, poskusite znova. | Details | |
The email you used is not valid. Please try again. Ta elektronski naslov ni veljaven. Prosimo, poskusite znova.
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The answer to the security question is incorrect. | Odgovor na varnostno vprašanje ni pravilen. | Details | |
The answer to the security question is incorrect. Odgovor na varnostno vprašanje ni pravilen.
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Your answer | Vaš odgovor | Details | |
Question | Vprašanje | Details | |
Survey name (ID): | Ime ankete (ID): | Details | |
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