Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Agree | Strinjam se | Details | |
Neither agree nor disagree | Niti se strinjam niti se ne strinjam | Details | |
Neither agree nor disagree Niti se strinjam niti se ne strinjam
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Strongly disagree | Nikakor se ne strinjam | Details | |
Click on the 'Add group' button | Kliknite gumb »Dodaj skupino« | Details | |
Click on the 'Add group' button Kliknite gumb »Dodaj skupino«
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{n} access code has been created.|{n} access codes have been created. | Ustvarjena je bila {n} koda za dostop.|Ustvarjeno je bilo toliko kod za dostop: {n}. | Details | |
{n} access code has been created.|{n} access codes have been created. Ustvarjena je bila {n} koda za dostop.|Ustvarjeno je bilo toliko kod za dostop: {n}.
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Need {n} access code.|Need {n} access codes. | Potrebujete {n} kodo za dostop.|Potrebujete toliko kod za dostop: {n}. | Details | |
Need {n} access code.|Need {n} access codes. Potrebujete {n} kodo za dostop.|Potrebujete toliko kod za dostop: {n}.
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Only {n} access code has been created.|Only {n} access codes have been created. | Ustvarjena je bila samo {n} koda za dostop.|Ustvarjeno je bilo samo toliko kod za dostop: {n}. | Details | |
Only {n} access code has been created.|Only {n} access codes have been created. Ustvarjena je bila samo {n} koda za dostop.|Ustvarjeno je bilo samo toliko kod za dostop: {n}.
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Create access codes | Ustvari kode za dostop | Details | |
having an access code | s kodo za dostop | Details | |
Try with a bigger access code length. | Poskusite z daljšo kodo za dostop. | Details | |
Try with a bigger access code length. Poskusite z daljšo kodo za dostop.
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There is already an entry with that exact access code in the table.↵ The same access code cannot be used in multiple entries. | V tabeli je že vnos s točno to kodo za dostop. Iste kode za dostop ni mogoče uporabiti v več vnosih. | Details | |
There is already an entry with that exact access code in the table.↵ The same access code cannot be used in multiple entries. V tabeli je že vnos s točno to kodo za dostop.↵ Iste kode za dostop ni mogoče uporabiti v več vnosih.
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Script | Skript | Details | |
Unable to send email about your saved survey (Error: %s). | E-poštnega sporočila o shranjeni anketi ni mogoče poslati (napaka: %s). | Details | |
Unable to send email about your saved survey (Error: %s). E-poštnega sporočila o shranjeni anketi ni mogoče poslati (napaka: %s).
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This is an automated email notification that a user has been created for you on the website %s. | To je samodejno e-poštno obvestilo, da je bil za vas ustvarjen uporabnik na spletišču %s. | Details | |
This is an automated email notification that a user has been created for you on the website %s. To je samodejno e-poštno obvestilo, da je bil za vas ustvarjen uporabnik na spletišču %s.
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Here are your new credentials. | Tukaj so vaše nove poverilnice. | Details | |
Here are your new credentials. Tukaj so vaše nove poverilnice.
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