Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Big5 Traditional Chinese | Velikih5 Tradicionalna Kitajščina | Details | |
Big5 Traditional Chinese Velikih5 Tradicionalna Kitajščina
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Name | Ime | Details | |
Automatic | Avtomatsko | Details | |
US ASCII | US ASCII | Details | |
ARMSCII-8 Armenian | ARMSCII-8 Armensko | Details | |
The answer(s) must meet these array_filter criteria: | Odgovori morajo zadoščati sledečim kriterijem: | Details | |
The answer(s) must meet these array_filter criteria: Odgovori morajo zadoščati sledečim kriterijem:
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The answer(s) must meet these validation criteria: | Odgovor(i) mora(jo) ustrezati naslednjim kriterijem preverjanja: | Details | |
The answer(s) must meet these validation criteria: Odgovor(i) mora(jo) ustrezati naslednjim kriterijem preverjanja:
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Only answer this if the following conditions are met: | Odgovarjanje je mogoče samo, če je zadoščeno naslednjim pogojem: | Details | |
Only answer this if the following conditions are met: Odgovarjanje je mogoče samo, če je zadoščeno naslednjim pogojem:
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Reload your survey by clicking on the following link (or pasting it into your browser): | Anketo ponovno naložite s klikom na to povezavo (povezavo lahko tudi skopirate v brskalnik): | Details | |
Reload your survey by clicking on the following link (or pasting it into your browser): Anketo ponovno naložite s klikom na to povezavo (povezavo lahko tudi skopirate v brskalnik):
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Password | Geslo | Details | |
Saved Survey Details | Podatki o shranjeni anketi | Details | |
Success | Uspešno | Details | |
Your survey responses have been saved successfully. You will be sent a confirmation email. Please make sure to save your password, since we will not be able to retrieve it for you. | Vaši anketni odgovori so bili uspešno shranjeni. Poslali vam bomo potrditveno e-sporočilo. Ne pozabite shraniti svojega gesla, saj ga ne bomo mogli ponovno pridobiti. | Details | |
Your survey responses have been saved successfully. You will be sent a confirmation email. Please make sure to save your password, since we will not be able to retrieve it for you. Vaši anketni odgovori so bili uspešno shranjeni. Poslali vam bomo potrditveno e-sporočilo. Ne pozabite shraniti svojega gesla, saj ga ne bomo mogli ponovno pridobiti.
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Your passwords do not match. | Gesli se ne ujemata. | Details | |
You must supply a password for this saved session. | Za shranjeno anketo morate vpisati geslo. | Details | |
You must supply a password for this saved session. Za shranjeno anketo morate vpisati geslo.
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