Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Quota name | Ime kvote | Details | |
Base language | Osnovni jezik | Details | |
Group could not be deleted | Skupine ni mogoče izbrisati | Details | |
The question group was deleted. | Skupina vprašanj je bila izbrisana. | Details | |
The question group was deleted. Skupina vprašanj je bila izbrisana.
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Other: | Drugo: | Details | |
You are not authorized to delete questions. | Niste pooblaščeni za brisanje vprašanj. | Details | |
You are not authorized to delete questions. Niste pooblaščeni za brisanje vprašanj.
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Question was successfully deleted. | Vprašanje je bilo uspešno izbrisano | Details | |
Question was successfully deleted. Vprašanje je bilo uspešno izbrisano
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Some example subquestion | Primeri podvprašanj | Details | |
Some example answer option | Primer možnosti odgovora | Details | |
Checked | Izbrano | Details | |
Unknown file extension | Neznana končnica datoteke | Details | |
No GID (Group) has been provided. Cannot import question | Manjka GID (številka skupine). Ne morem uvoziti vprašanja | Details | |
No GID (Group) has been provided. Cannot import question Manjka GID (številka skupine). Ne morem uvoziti vprašanja
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No SID (Survey) has been provided. Cannot import question. | Manjka SID (številka ankete). Ne morem uvoziti vprašanja. | Details | |
No SID (Survey) has been provided. Cannot import question. Manjka SID (številka ankete). Ne morem uvoziti vprašanja.
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Please choose no more than %s items. | Prosimo, ne izberite več kot %s elementov. | Details | |
Please choose no more than %s items. Prosimo, ne izberite več kot %s elementov.
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Please choose at least %s items. | Prosimo, izberite vsaj %s elementov. | Details | |
Please choose at least %s items. Prosimo, izberite vsaj %s elementov.
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