Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Survey could not be created because it did not have a title | Ankete ni mogoče ustvariti, ker manjka njen naslov | Details | |
Survey could not be created because it did not have a title Ankete ni mogoče ustvariti, ker manjka njen naslov
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The survey was successfully expired by setting an expiration date in the survey settings. | Z določitvijo datuma izteka v nastavitvah se je anketa uspešno iztekla. | Details | |
The survey was successfully expired by setting an expiration date in the survey settings. Z določitvijo datuma izteka v nastavitvah se je anketa uspešno iztekla.
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The new question group/question order was successfully saved. | Nov(a) skupina vprašanj/vrstni red vprašanj je bil(a) uspešno shranjen(a). | Details | |
The new question group/question order was successfully saved. Nov(a) skupina vprašanj/vrstni red vprašanj je bil(a) uspešno shranjen(a).
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No survey ID has been provided. Cannot copy survey | Podan ni bil noben ID ankete. Ankete ni mogoče kopirati | Details | |
No survey ID has been provided. Cannot copy survey Podan ni bil noben ID ankete. Ankete ni mogoče kopirati
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Survey copy summary | Povzetek kopiranja ankete | Details | |
Copy survey | Kopiraj anketo | Details | |
Survey structure import summary | Povzetek uvoza strukture raziskave | Details | |
Survey structure import summary Povzetek uvoza strukture raziskave
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Import survey data | Uvozi podatke za anketo | Details | |
Survey deleted. | Anketa zbrisana | Details | |
This survey is currently active. | Ta anketa je trenutno aktivna | Details | |
This survey is currently active. Ta anketa je trenutno aktivna
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You do not have the Freetype Library installed. Showing charts requires the Freetype library to function properly. | Freetype Library ni nameščen. Prikazovanje grafov zahteva Freetype Library za svoje delovanje. | Details | |
You do not have the Freetype Library installed. Showing charts requires the Freetype library to function properly. Freetype Library ni nameščen. Prikazovanje grafov zahteva Freetype Library za svoje delovanje.
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visit for more information | obiščite za več informacij | Details | |
visit for more information obiščite za več informacij
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You do not have the GD Library installed. Showing charts requires the GD library to function properly. | GD Library ni nameščen. Prikazovanje grafov zahteva GD Library za svoje delovanje. | Details | |
You do not have the GD Library installed. Showing charts requires the GD library to function properly. GD Library ni nameščen. Prikazovanje grafov zahteva GD Library za svoje delovanje.
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Remaining | Do konca še | Details | |
Limit | Omejitev | Details | |
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