Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
It is presented on one single page. | Prikaz celotne ankete na eni strani. | Details | |
It is presented on one single page. Prikaz celotne ankete na eni strani.
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It is presented group by group. | Prikaz ankete po skupinah. | Details | |
It is presented group by group. Prikaz ankete po skupinah.
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It is presented question by question. | Prikaz ankete po vprašanjih. | Details | |
It is presented question by question. Prikaz ankete po vprašanjih.
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Responses to this survey are NOT anonymized. | Odzivi na to anketo NISO anonimni. | Details | |
Responses to this survey are NOT anonymized. Odzivi na to anketo NISO anonimni.
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Responses to this survey are anonymized. | Odzivi na to anketo so anonimni. | Details | |
Responses to this survey are anonymized. Odzivi na to anketo so anonimni.
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None | Noben | Details | |
Your responses were successfully saved. | Vaši odzivi so bili uspešno shranjeni. | Details | |
Your responses were successfully saved. Vaši odzivi so bili uspešno shranjeni.
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We are sorry but you are not allowed to enter this survey. | Na žalost nimate dostopa do te ankete. | Details | |
We are sorry but you are not allowed to enter this survey. Na žalost nimate dostopa do te ankete.
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For further information please contact %s: | Za več informacij se obrnite na %s: | Details | |
For further information please contact %s: Za več informacij se obrnite na %s:
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Load unfinished survey | Naloži nedokončano anketo | Details | |
You did not provide a name. | Niste navedli imena. | Details | |
You have already completed this survey. | To anketo ste že izpolnili. | Details | |
You have already completed this survey. To anketo ste že izpolnili.
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This survey is not yet started. | Ta anketa se še ni začela. | Details | |
This survey is not yet started. Ta anketa se še ni začela.
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View statistics | Poglej statistiko | Details | |
Previous session is set to be finished. | Prejšnja seja je bila zaključena. | Details | |
Previous session is set to be finished. Prejšnja seja je bila zaključena.
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