Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
This question does not have a question 'type' set. | 'Tip' vprašanja še ni določen. | Details | |
This question does not have a question 'type' set. 'Tip' vprašanja še ni določen.
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This group does not contain any question(s). | Ta skupina ne vsebuje vprašanj. | Details | |
This group does not contain any question(s). Ta skupina ne vsebuje vprašanj.
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Submit | Pošlji | Details | |
Question index | Index vprašanja | Details | |
This survey is currently not active. You will not be able to save your responses. | Ta anketa trenutno ni aktivna. Svojih odzivov ne boste mogli shraniti. | Details | |
This survey is currently not active. You will not be able to save your responses. Ta anketa trenutno ni aktivna. Svojih odzivov ne boste mogli shraniti.
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One or more uploaded files are not in proper format/size. You cannot proceed until these files are valid. | Ena ali več datotek so neveljavnega formata ali velikosti, ne morete nadaljevati dokler niso datoteke veljavne. | Details | |
One or more uploaded files are not in proper format/size. You cannot proceed until these files are valid. Ena ali več datotek so neveljavnega formata ali velikosti, ne morete nadaljevati dokler niso datoteke veljavne.
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One or more questions have not been answered in a valid manner. You cannot proceed until these answers are valid. | Na eno ali več vprašanj niste odgovorili z veljavnim odgovorom. Ne morete nadaljevati dokler niso vsi odgovori veljavni. | Details | |
One or more questions have not been answered in a valid manner. You cannot proceed until these answers are valid. Na eno ali več vprašanj niste odgovorili z veljavnim odgovorom. Ne morete nadaljevati dokler niso vsi odgovori veljavni.
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One or more mandatory questions have not been answered. You cannot proceed until these have been completed. | Niste odgovorili na eno ali več obveznih vprašanj. Z anketo ne morete nadaljevati, dokler ne odgovorite na ta vprašanja. | Details | |
One or more mandatory questions have not been answered. You cannot proceed until these have been completed. Niste odgovorili na eno ali več obveznih vprašanj. Z anketo ne morete nadaljevati, dokler ne odgovorite na ta vprašanja.
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Submit your answers | Pošljite vaše odgovore | Details | |
This group contains no questions. You must add questions to this group before you can preview it | Ta skupina ne vsebuje vprašanj. Preden si jo ogledate morate dodati vprašanja. | Details | |
This group contains no questions. You must add questions to this group before you can preview it Ta skupina ne vsebuje vprašanj. Preden si jo ogledate morate dodati vprašanja.
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Invalid group number for this survey: | Napačna številka skupine za to anketo: | Details | |
Invalid group number for this survey: Napačna številka skupine za to anketo:
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View the statistics for this survey. | Prikaz statistik za to anketo. | Details | |
View the statistics for this survey. Prikaz statistik za to anketo.
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Print your answers. | Natisnite vaše odgovore. | Details | |
Your survey responses have been recorded. | Vaši odzivi so bili shranjeni. | Details | |
Your survey responses have been recorded. Vaši odzivi so bili shranjeni.
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Thank you! | Najlepša hvala! | Details | |
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