Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Comments | Komentarji | Details | |
Can't update labels because you are using duplicated codes | Odgovorov ni mogoče posodobiti ker prihaja do podvajanja njihovih kod. | Details | |
Can't update labels because you are using duplicated codes Odgovorov ni mogoče posodobiti ker prihaja do podvajanja njihovih kod.
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This is not a valid timings data XML file. | To ni veljavna datoteka XML s podatki o meritvah. | Details | |
This is not a valid timings data XML file. To ni veljavna datoteka XML s podatki o meritvah.
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This is not a valid response data XML file. | Datoteka ni veljavna datoteka XML s podatki o odzivih. | Details | |
This is not a valid response data XML file. Datoteka ni veljavna datoteka XML s podatki o odzivih.
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This is not a valid LimeSurvey survey structure XML file. | To ni veljavna LimeSurveyeva datoteka XML z anketno strukturo. | Details | |
This is not a valid LimeSurvey survey structure XML file. To ni veljavna LimeSurveyeva datoteka XML z anketno strukturo.
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Sorry your responses have exceeded a quota on this survey. | Oprostite, vaši odzivi so presegli kvoto za to anketo. | Details | |
Sorry your responses have exceeded a quota on this survey. Oprostite, vaši odzivi so presegli kvoto za to anketo.
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The languages of the imported question file must at least include the base language of this survey. | Jeziki uvoženih datotek s vprašanji morajo vsebovati vsaj osnovni jezik te ankete. | Details | |
The languages of the imported question file must at least include the base language of this survey. Jeziki uvoženih datotek s vprašanji morajo vsebovati vsaj osnovni jezik te ankete.
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The languages of the imported group file must at least include the base language of this survey. | Jeziki uvožene skupine vprašanj morajo vsebovati vsaj osnovni jezik te ankete. | Details | |
The languages of the imported group file must at least include the base language of this survey. Jeziki uvožene skupine vprašanj morajo vsebovati vsaj osnovni jezik te ankete.
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Start HTML editor in a popup window | Zaženi urejevalnik HTML v pojavnem oknu | Details | |
Start HTML editor in a popup window Zaženi urejevalnik HTML v pojavnem oknu
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Switch to closed-access mode | Prestavi na omejen dostop | Details | |
The required directory for saving the uploaded files couldn't be created. Please check file premissions on the /upload/surveys directory. | Zahtevane mape za shranjevanje naloženih datotek ni bilo mogoče ustvariti. Preverite pravice mape /upload/surveys. | Details | |
The required directory for saving the uploaded files couldn't be created. Please check file premissions on the /upload/surveys directory. Zahtevane mape za shranjevanje naloženih datotek ni bilo mogoče ustvariti. Preverite pravice mape /upload/surveys.
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Activate Survey | Aktiviraj anketo | Details | |
This question has a condition set, however the condition is based on a question that appears after it. | To vprašanje ima nastavljen pogoj, ki temelji na vprašanju, ki se pojavi kasneje v anketi. | Details | |
This question has a condition set, however the condition is based on a question that appears after it. To vprašanje ima nastavljen pogoj, ki temelji na vprašanju, ki se pojavi kasneje v anketi.
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This question requires a second answer set but none is set. | To vprašanje zahteva drugo skupino odgovorov, vendar ni izbrani. | Details | |
This question requires a second answer set but none is set. To vprašanje zahteva drugo skupino odgovorov, vendar ni izbrani.
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This question requires answers, but none are set. | To vprašanje zahteva odgovore, vendar niso izbrani. | Details | |
This question requires answers, but none are set. To vprašanje zahteva odgovore, vendar niso izbrani.
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