Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Minimum number of files that the participant must upload for this question | Najmanjše število datotek, ki jih mora udeleženec naložiti za to vprašanje | Details | |
Minimum number of files that the participant must upload for this question Najmanjše število datotek, ki jih mora udeleženec naložiti za to vprašanje
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Max number of files | Največje število datotek | Details | |
Maximum number of files that the participant can upload for this question | Največje število datotek, ki jih udeleženec lahko naloži za to vprašanje | Details | |
Maximum number of files that the participant can upload for this question Največje število datotek, ki jih udeleženec lahko naloži za to vprašanje
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Maximum file size allowed (in KB) | Maksimalna velikost datoteke (v KB) | Details | |
Maximum file size allowed (in KB) Maksimalna velikost datoteke (v KB)
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Show comment | Prikaži komentar | Details | |
Is the participant required to give a comment to the uploaded file? | Naj bo udeleženec primoran podati komentar naložene datoteke? | Details | |
Is the participant required to give a comment to the uploaded file? Naj bo udeleženec primoran podati komentar naložene datoteke?
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Show title | Prikaži naslov | Details | |
Is the participant required to give a title to the uploaded file? | Naj bo udeleženec primoran podati naslov naložene datoteke? | Details | |
Is the participant required to give a title to the uploaded file? Naj bo udeleženec primoran podati naslov naložene datoteke?
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File metadata | Metapodatki datoteke | Details | |
Month display style | Način prikaza meseca | Details | |
Change the display style of the month when using select boxes | Spremeni slog prikaza meseca, ko so v uporabi izbirna polja | Details | |
Change the display style of the month when using select boxes Spremeni slog prikaza meseca, ko so v uporabi izbirna polja
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Numbers | Številke | Details | |
Full names | Polna imena | Details | |
Short names | Kratka imena | Details | |
Minute step interval | Korak minut | Details | |
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