Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Conditional processing | Pogojno procesiranje | Details | |
Format a local time/date as integer | Uredi lokalni čas/datum kot celo število | Details | |
Format a local time/date as integer Uredi lokalni čas/datum kot celo število
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Convert special HTML entities back to characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) | Pretvori posebne entitete HTML v znake (vedno uporabi ENT_QUOTES in UTF-8) | Details | |
Convert special HTML entities back to characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) Pretvori posebne entitete HTML v znake (vedno uporabi ENT_QUOTES in UTF-8)
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Convert special characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) | Pretvori posebne znake v entitete HTML (vedno uporabi ENT_QUOTES in UTF-8) | Details | |
Convert special characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) Pretvori posebne znake v entitete HTML (vedno uporabi ENT_QUOTES in UTF-8)
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Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) | Pretvori vse primerne znake v entitete HTML (vedno uporabi ENT_QUOTES in UTF-8) | Details | |
Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) Pretvori vse primerne znake v entitete HTML (vedno uporabi ENT_QUOTES in UTF-8)
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Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) | Pretvori vse entitete HTML v primeren znak (vedno uporabi ENT_QUOTES in UTF-8) | Details | |
Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) Pretvori vse entitete HTML v primeren znak (vedno uporabi ENT_QUOTES in UTF-8)
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Format a GMT date/time | Uredi GMT datum/čas | Details | |
Round fractions down | Zaokroži ulomke navzdol | Details | |
Display numbers with comma as decimal separator, if needed | Števila prikaži z decimalno vejico, če je potrebna | Details | |
Display numbers with comma as decimal separator, if needed Števila prikaži z decimalno vejico, če je potrebna
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Calculates the exponent of e | Izračuna eksponent vrednosti e | Details | |
Calculates the exponent of e Izračuna eksponent vrednosti e
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Format a local date/time | Uredi lokalni datum/uro | Details | |
Count the number of answered questions in the list | Preštej število odgovorjenih vprašanj v seznamu | Details | |
Count the number of answered questions in the list Preštej število odgovorjenih vprašanj v seznamu
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Cosine | Kosinus | Details | |
Returns true(1) if it is a valid date in gregorian calendar | Vrne true(1) če gre za datum po gregorijanskem koledarju | Details | |
Returns true(1) if it is a valid date in gregorian calendar Vrne true(1) če gre za datum po gregorijanskem koledarju
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Round fractions up | Zaokroži ulomke navzgor | Details | |
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