Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
There are {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS} questions in this survey. | V tej anketi je {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS} vprašanj. | Details | |
There are {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS} questions in this survey. V tej anketi je {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS} vprašanj.
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There is 1 question in this survey | V tej anketi je eno vprašanje | Details | |
There is 1 question in this survey V tej anketi je eno vprašanje
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There are no questions in this survey | V tej anketi ni še nobenega vprašanja. | Details | |
There are no questions in this survey V tej anketi ni še nobenega vprašanja.
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Error: There are no answers defined for this question. | Napaka: to vprašanje nima določenega še nobenega odgovora. | Details | |
Error: There are no answers defined for this question. Napaka: to vprašanje nima določenega še nobenega odgovora.
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Error: There are no answer options for this question and/or they don't exist in this language. | Napaka: za to vprašanje ni možnih odgovorov ali pa v tem jeziku ne obstajajo. | Details | |
Error: There are no answer options for this question and/or they don't exist in this language. Napaka: za to vprašanje ni možnih odgovorov ali pa v tem jeziku ne obstajajo.
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Drag and drop the pin to the desired location. You may also right click on the map to move the pin. | Povleci in spusti žebljiček na želeno lokacijo. Žebljiček lahko premakneš tudi z desnim klikom. | Details | |
Drag and drop the pin to the desired location. You may also right click on the map to move the pin. Povleci in spusti žebljiček na želeno lokacijo. Žebljiček lahko premakneš tudi z desnim klikom.
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Error: This question has no answers. | Napaka: to vprašanje nima odgovorov. | Details | |
Error: This question has no answers. Napaka: to vprašanje nima odgovorov.
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File name | Ime datoteke | Details | |
Return to survey | Nazaj na anketo | Details | |
Upload your files | Naložite vaše datoteke | Details | |
Please enter your comment here | Prosimo, vpišite svoj komentar | Details | |
Please enter your comment here Prosimo, vpišite svoj komentar
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Format: %s | Oblika: %s | Details | |
Dec | Dec | Details | |
Nov | Nov | Details | |
Oct | Okt | Details | |
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