Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
---|---|---|---| | | Details | |
After having clicked the save button you can either close this browser window or continue filling out the survey. | Po tem ko kliknete na gumb shrani lahko zberete da zaprete okno ali nadaljujete z izpolnjevanjem ankete. | Details | |
After having clicked the save button you can either close this browser window or continue filling out the survey. Po tem ko kliknete na gumb shrani lahko zberete da zaprete okno ali nadaljujete z izpolnjevanjem ankete.
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If you give an email address, an email containing the details will be sent to you. | Če ste vpisali tudi e-mail naslov boste prejeli e-mail s potrebnimi podatki. | Details | |
If you give an email address, an email containing the details will be sent to you. Če ste vpisali tudi e-mail naslov boste prejeli e-mail s potrebnimi podatki.
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Your survey will be saved using that name and password, and can be completed later by logging in with the same name and password. | Vaša anketa bo shranjena s tem imenom in geslom in jo lahko dokončate kasneje, če se prijavite s tem imenom in geslom. | Details | |
Your survey will be saved using that name and password, and can be completed later by logging in with the same name and password. Vaša anketa bo shranjena s tem imenom in geslom in jo lahko dokončate kasneje, če se prijavite s tem imenom in geslom.
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Enter a name and password for this survey and click save below. | Vpišite ime in geslo za to anketo in kliknite shrani. | Details | |
Enter a name and password for this survey and click save below. Vpišite ime in geslo za to anketo in kliknite shrani.
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Enter your details below, and an email containing the link to participate in this survey will be sent immediately. | Vnesite vaše podatke in poslali vam bomo e-mail s podatki in povezavo za sodelovanje v anketi. | Details | |
Enter your details below, and an email containing the link to participate in this survey will be sent immediately. Vnesite vaše podatke in poslali vam bomo e-mail s podatki in povezavo za sodelovanje v anketi.
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You may register for this survey if you wish to take part. | Če želite sodelovati v tej anketi se lahko registrirate. | Details | |
You may register for this survey if you wish to take part. Če želite sodelovati v tej anketi se lahko registrirate.
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This survey is anonymous. | Ta anketa je anonimna. | Details | |
Type in the 'name' you used to save the survey, and the password. | Vpišite ime in geslo s katerim ste shranili anketo. | Details | |
Type in the 'name' you used to save the survey, and the password. Vpišite ime in geslo s katerim ste shranili anketo.
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You can load a survey that you have previously saved from this screen. | Ponovno lahko naložite vašo shranjeno anketo. | Details | |
You can load a survey that you have previously saved from this screen. Ponovno lahko naložite vašo shranjeno anketo.
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Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. | Pozor: v vašem brskalniku je onemogočeno izvajanje JavaScript-a. Morda ne boste mogli odgovoriti na vsa vprašanja v tej anketi. Preverite nastavitve vašega brskalnika. | Details | |
Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. Pozor: v vašem brskalniku je onemogočeno izvajanje JavaScript-a. Morda ne boste mogli odgovoriti na vsa vprašanja v tej anketi. Preverite nastavitve vašega brskalnika.
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Saved name: | Shranjeno ime: | Details | |
To remain anonymous please use a pseudonym as your username, also an email address is not required. | Da ostanete anonimni prosimo uporabite pseudonim namesto vašega uporabniškega imena, vaš email ni potreben. | Details | |
To remain anonymous please use a pseudonym as your username, also an email address is not required. Da ostanete anonimni prosimo uporabite pseudonim namesto vašega uporabniškega imena, vaš email ni potreben.
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Restart this survey | Ponovno začni z anketo | Details | |
Resume later | Odgovori drugič | Details | |
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