Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
And/or Date is <= : | In/ali datum je <= : | Details | |
Plugin files cannot be deleted due to permissions problem. | Datotek z vtičniki ni mogoče izbrisati zaradi težav z dovoljenji. | Details | |
Plugin files cannot be deleted due to permissions problem. Datotek z vtičniki ni mogoče izbrisati zaradi težav z dovoljenji.
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Telugu | Teluguščina | Details | |
Kannada | Kannadščina | Details | |
Tigrinya | Tigrinjščina | Details | |
Sending emails to users(sucess/errors): | Pošiljanje e-poštnih sporočil uporabnikom (uspešno/napake): | Details | |
Sending emails to users(sucess/errors): Pošiljanje e-poštnih sporočil uporabnikom (uspešno/napake):
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GroupId missing | Manjka ID skupine | Details | |
Please note that if you delete an incomplete response during a running survey, the participant will not be able to complete it. | Upoštevajte, da če med izvajanjem ankete izbrišete nepopoln odgovor, udeleženec ne bo mogel dokončati ankete. | Details | |
Please note that if you delete an incomplete response during a running survey, the participant will not be able to complete it. Upoštevajte, da če med izvajanjem ankete izbrišete nepopoln odgovor, udeleženec ne bo mogel dokončati ankete.
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The data could not be saved because the response does not exist in the database. | Podatkov ni bilo mogoče shraniti, ker odgovor ne obstaja v bazi podatkov. | Details | |
The data could not be saved because the response does not exist in the database. Podatkov ni bilo mogoče shraniti, ker odgovor ne obstaja v bazi podatkov.
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Numeric tokens | Numerični žetoni | Details | |
Error! Please change your password from your profile settings. | Napaka! Spremenite geslo v nastavitvah profila. | Details | |
Error! Please change your password from your profile settings. Napaka! Spremenite geslo v nastavitvah profila.
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Please make sure that your CSV contains the fields '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', and '%s' | Prepričajte se, da datoteka CSV vsebuje polja »%s«, »%s«, »%s«, »%s« in »%s« | Details | |
Please make sure that your CSV contains the fields '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', and '%s' Prepričajte se, da datoteka CSV vsebuje polja »%s«, »%s«, »%s«, »%s« in »%s«
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Wrong decryption key! Decryption key has changed since this data were last saved, so data can't be decrypted. Please consult our manual at %s. | Napačen ključ za dešifriranje! Ključ za dešifriranje se je spremenil, odkar so bili ti podatki nazadnje shranjeni, zato podatkov ni mogoče dešifrirati. Preberite si naš priročnik na %s. | Details | |
Wrong decryption key! Decryption key has changed since this data were last saved, so data can't be decrypted. Please consult our manual at %s. Napačen ključ za dešifriranje! Ključ za dešifriranje se je spremenil, odkar so bili ti podatki nazadnje shranjeni, zato podatkov ni mogoče dešifrirati. Preberite si naš priročnik na %s.
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Unzipped file is too big. | Razširjena datoteka je prevelika. | Details | |
Unzipped file is too big. Razširjena datoteka je prevelika.
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Temporary folder cannot be determined. | Začasne mape ni mogoče določiti. | Details | |
Temporary folder cannot be determined. Začasne mape ni mogoče določiti.
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