Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
August | august | Details | |
July | juli | Details | |
June | juni | Details | |
April | april | Details | |
March | mars | Details | |
February | februar | Details | |
January | januar | Details | |
All the attributes are automatically mapped | Alle attributtene er koblet automatisk | Details | |
All the attributes are automatically mapped Alle attributtene er koblet automatisk
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Only one central attribute is mapped with participant attribute | Bare et sentralt attributt er koblet med deltakerattributt | Details | |
Only one central attribute is mapped with participant attribute Bare et sentralt attributt er koblet med deltakerattributt
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There are no unmapped attributes | Det finnes ingen frakoblede attributter | Details | |
There are no unmapped attributes Det finnes ingen frakoblede attributter
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New answer for quota '%s' | Nytt svar i kvote '%s' | Details | |
File backup created: %s | Sikkerhetskopi utført: %s | Details | |
You have already been removed from the central participants list for this site. | Du er allerede fjernet fra listen over sentrale deltakere for dette nettstedet. | Details | |
You have already been removed from the central participants list for this site. Du er allerede fjernet fra listen over sentrale deltakere for dette nettstedet.
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Tamil | Tamilsk | Details | |
Please click and drag the slider handles to enter your answer. | Klikk og dra i skyvekontroll-håndtakene for å angi svar. | Details | |
Please click and drag the slider handles to enter your answer. Klikk og dra i skyvekontroll-håndtakene for å angi svar.
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