Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Map width | Širina karte | Details | |
Use mapping service | Koristite mapiranjih usluge | Details | |
Activate this to show a map above the input field where the user can select a location | Aktivirajte ovu opciju da biste prikazali kartu iznad polja za unos, gdje korisnik može odabrati lokaciju | Details | |
Activate this to show a map above the input field where the user can select a location Aktivirajte ovu opciju da biste prikazali kartu iznad polja za unos, gdje korisnik može odabrati lokaciju
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Google Maps | Google Karte | Details | |
Chart type | Tip grafikona | Details | |
Select the type of chart to be displayed | Odaberite vrstu grafikona za prikaz | Details | |
Select the type of chart to be displayed Odaberite vrstu grafikona za prikaz
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Pie chart | Tortni grafikon | Details | |
Bar chart | Stupčasti grafikon | Details | |
Display chart | Prikaži grafikon | Details | |
Display a chart in the statistics? | Prikaži grafikon u statistiku? | Details | |
Display a chart in the statistics? Prikaži grafikon u statistiku?
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Display map | Prikaži mapa | Details | |
Show a map in the statistics? | Prikazi mape u statistike? | Details | |
Show a map in the statistics? Prikazi mape u statistike?
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Statistics | Statistika | Details | |
Save country | Spremi državu | Details | |
Store the country? | Spremiti državu? | Details | |
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