Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
All quota language settings meet consistency standards. | Sve kvote jezičnih postavki zadovoljavaju standarde dosljednosti. | Details | |
All quota language settings meet consistency standards. Sve kvote jezičnih postavki zadovoljavaju standarde dosljednosti.
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There are %s orphaned quota language settings which can be deleted. | %s nevažećih postavki kvote mogu biti izbrisane. | Details | |
There are %s orphaned quota language settings which can be deleted. %s nevažećih postavki kvote mogu biti izbrisane.
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All quotas meet consistency standards. | Sve kvote zadovoljavaju standarde dosljednosti. | Details | |
All quotas meet consistency standards. Sve kvote zadovoljavaju standarde dosljednosti.
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There are %s orphaned quota entries which can be deleted. | Postoji %s nevažećih unosa kvote koji se mogu izbrisati. | Details | |
There are %s orphaned quota entries which can be deleted. Postoji %s nevažećih unosa kvote koji se mogu izbrisati.
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All default values meet consistency standards. | Sve zadane vrijednosti zadovoljavaju standarde dosljednosti. | Details | |
All default values meet consistency standards. Sve zadane vrijednosti zadovoljavaju standarde dosljednosti.
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There are %s orphaned default value entries which can be deleted. | %s nevažećih unosa zadanih vrijednosti se mogu izbrisati. | Details | |
There are %s orphaned default value entries which can be deleted. %s nevažećih unosa zadanih vrijednosti se mogu izbrisati.
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All question attributes meet consistency standards. | Svi atributi pitanja zadovoljavaju standarde dosljednosti. | Details | |
All question attributes meet consistency standards. Svi atributi pitanja zadovoljavaju standarde dosljednosti.
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There are %s orphaned question attributes. | Ima %s nevažećih atributa pitanja. | Details | |
There are %s orphaned question attributes. Ima %s nevažećih atributa pitanja.
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All conditions meet consistency standards. | Svi uvjeti zadovoljavaju standarde dosljednosti. | Details | |
All conditions meet consistency standards. Svi uvjeti zadovoljavaju standarde dosljednosti.
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Close | Zatvori | Details | |
Reason: | Razlog: | Details | |
The following conditions should be deleted: | Sljedeće uvjete je potrebno obrisati: | Details | |
The following conditions should be deleted: Sljedeće uvjete je potrebno obrisati:
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If errors are showing up you might have to execute this script repeatedly. | U slučaju da se pojavljuju greške potrebno je pozvati ovu skriptu više puta. | Details | |
If errors are showing up you might have to execute this script repeatedly. U slučaju da se pojavljuju greške potrebno je pozvati ovu skriptu više puta.
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Data consistency check | Provjera dosljednosti podataka | Details | |
Time statistics | Vremensku statistiku | Details | |
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