Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
%s records in CSV | %s zapisa u CSV-u | Details | |
Successfully created CPDB entries | CPDB unosi su uspješno napravljeni | Details | |
Successfully created CPDB entries CPDB unosi su uspješno napravljeni
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Uploaded CSV file successfully | Uspješno zaprimljena CSV datoteka | Details | |
Uploaded CSV file successfully Uspješno zaprimljena CSV datoteka
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CPDB CSV summary | CPDB CSV sažetak | Details | |
Total attributes in the central table | Ukupno atributa u središnjoj bazi | Details | |
Total attributes in the central table Ukupno atributa u središnjoj bazi
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Blocklisted participants | Ispitanici na crnoj listi | Details | |
Participants you have shared | Ispitanici koje ste vi dijelili | Details | |
Participants you have shared Ispitanici koje ste vi dijelili
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Participants shared with you | Ispitanici koji su dijeljeni s vama | Details | |
Participants shared with you Ispitanici koji su dijeljeni s vama
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Participants owned by you | Ispitanici u vašem vlasništvu | Details | |
Participants owned by you Ispitanici u vašem vlasništvu
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Total participants in central table | Ukupno ispitanika u središnjoj bazi | Details | |
Total participants in central table Ukupno ispitanika u središnjoj bazi
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Central participants database summary | Sažeti pregled središnje baze ispitanika | Details | |
Central participants database summary Sažeti pregled središnje baze ispitanika
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Share panel | Ploča dijeljenja | Details | |
File should be a standard CSV (comma delimited) file with optional double quotes around values (default for most spreadsheet tools). The first line must contain the field names. The fields can be in any order. | Datoteka mora biti u standardnom CSV (razgraničenje zarezima) formatu sa dvostrukim navodnicima oko vrijednosti (standardna vrijednost za OpenOffice i Excel). Prva linija mora sadržati nazive polja. Polja mogu biti u proizvoljnom redoslijedu. | Details | |
File should be a standard CSV (comma delimited) file with optional double quotes around values (default for most spreadsheet tools). The first line must contain the field names. The fields can be in any order. Datoteka mora biti u standardnom CSV (razgraničenje zarezima) formatu sa dvostrukim navodnicima oko vrijednosti (standardna vrijednost za OpenOffice i Excel). Prva linija mora sadržati nazive polja. Polja mogu biti u proizvoljnom redoslijedu.
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CSV input format | CVS format unosa | Details | |
Filter blank email addresses: | Filtrirati prazne e-mail adrese: | Details | |
Filter blank email addresses: Filtrirati prazne e-mail adrese:
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