Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Other files: | Ostale datoteke: | Details | |
You can't save changes because the theme directory is not writable. | Ne mogu pohraniti izmjene predloška jer u mapi predložaka nije dozvoljeno pisanje. | Details | |
You can't save changes because the theme directory is not writable. Ne mogu pohraniti izmjene predloška jer u mapi predložaka nije dozvoljeno pisanje.
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Changes cannot be saved to a standard theme. | U osnovnom predlošku nije moguće spremiti promjene. | Details | |
Changes cannot be saved to a standard theme. U osnovnom predlošku nije moguće spremiti promjene.
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Screen: | Zaslon: | Details | |
Reset this template | Poništi ovaj predložak | Details | |
Are you sure you want to delete this theme? | Jeste li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati ovu slomljenu temu? | Details | |
Are you sure you want to delete this theme? Jeste li ste sigurni da želite izbrisati ovu slomljenu temu?
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Please enter the name for the new theme: | Molimo unesite naziv za novi predložak: | Details | |
Please enter the name for the new theme: Molimo unesite naziv za novi predložak:
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Note: This is a standard theme. | Napomena: ovo je standardni predložak. | Details | |
Note: This is a standard theme. Napomena: ovo je standardni predložak.
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This file type is not allowed to be uploaded. | Ovaj tip datoteke nije dozvoljeno učitati. | Details | |
This file type is not allowed to be uploaded. Ovaj tip datoteke nije dozvoljeno učitati.
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Note that this assessment section will only show if assessment rules have been set and assessment mode is activated. | Imaj na umu da sekcija procjena će biti prikazana ukoliko su pravila zadataka definirana i aktivirana. | Details | |
Note that this assessment section will only show if assessment rules have been set and assessment mode is activated. Imaj na umu da sekcija procjena će biti prikazana ukoliko su pravila zadataka definirana i aktivirana.
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Assessment details | Detalji procjene | Details | |
Assessment heading | Zaglavlje procjene | Details | |
Select template ZIP file: | Izaberite ZIP datoteku predloška: | Details | |
Select template ZIP file: Izaberite ZIP datoteku predloška:
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Upload template file | Učitaj datoteku predloška | Details | |
List question groups | Sljedeća skupina pitanja | Details | |
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