Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
It completely eliminates the dependence upon SGQA codes. | Elimina completamente a dependencia contra códigos SGQA. | Details | |
It completely eliminates the dependence upon SGQA codes. Elimina completamente a dependencia contra códigos SGQA.
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This feature is designed to make it easy to use Excel to author and edit surveys. | Esta funcionalidade está deseñada para facer máis doado o uso de Excel para crear e editar enquisas. | Details | |
This feature is designed to make it easy to use Excel to author and edit surveys. Esta funcionalidade está deseñada para facer máis doado o uso de Excel para crear e editar enquisas.
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On the following page you will be able to create a pdf that can be printed filled out and scanned again. | Na páxina seguinte poderá crear un pdf que pode ser imprimido, cumprimentado e escanado. | Details | |
On the following page you will be able to create a pdf that can be printed filled out and scanned again. Na páxina seguinte poderá crear un pdf que pode ser imprimido, cumprimentado e escanado.
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To get to know more about queXML check this page: | Para saber máis sobre queXML visite esta páxina: | Details | |
To get to know more about queXML check this page: Para saber máis sobre queXML visite esta páxina:
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Exporting a questionnaire to queXML allows you to create PDF documents that can be printed, filled then scanned and processed using queXF software. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Exporting a questionnaire to queXML allows you to create PDF documents that can be printed, filled then scanned and processed using queXF software.
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It is not suitable for backing up a LimeSurvey survey as it cannot export conditions, and isn't able to export all question types. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
It is not suitable for backing up a LimeSurvey survey as it cannot export conditions, and isn't able to export all question types.
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queXML is an XML description of a questionnaire. | queXML é unha descrición XML dun cuestionario. | Details | |
queXML is an XML description of a questionnaire. queXML é unha descrición XML dun cuestionario.
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Timings (if activated) | Cronometraxe (cando se active) | Details | |
Survey structure | Estructura da enquisa | Details | |
It will include the following data in a ZIP file ending with '.lsa'. | Incluirá os datos seguintes nun ficheiro ZIP rematado en '.lsa'. | Details | |
It will include the following data in a ZIP file ending with '.lsa'. Incluirá os datos seguintes nun ficheiro ZIP rematado en '.lsa'.
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This export is intended to create a complete backup of an active survey for archival purposes. | Esta exportación persegue crear unha copia de seguranza completa dunha enquisa activa con fins de arquivo. | Details | |
This export is intended to create a complete backup of an active survey for archival purposes. Esta exportación persegue crear unha copia de seguranza completa dunha enquisa activa con fins de arquivo.
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Please note: This file does not contain any collected responses. | Aviso: Este ficheiro non contén ningunha resposta rexistrada. | Details | |
Please note: This file does not contain any collected responses. Aviso: Este ficheiro non contén ningunha resposta rexistrada.
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Reset now | Reestablecer agora | Details | |
Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. | Os campos sinalados cun asterisco son obrigatorios. | Details | |
Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory. Os campos sinalados cun asterisco son obrigatorios.
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You may register for this survey but you have to wait for the {{sStartDate}} before starting the survey. | Pode rexistrarse para esta enquisa pero terá que esperar ao {{sStartDate}} antes de poder cubrila. | Details | |
You may register for this survey but you have to wait for the {{sStartDate}} before starting the survey. Pode rexistrarse para esta enquisa pero terá que esperar ao {{sStartDate}} antes de poder cubrila.
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