Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
This export will dump all the groups, questions, answers and conditions for your survey into a .LSS file (which is basically an XML file). This dump file can be used with the 'Import survey' feature when creating a new survey. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
This export will dump all the groups, questions, answers and conditions for your survey into a .LSS file (which is basically an XML file). This dump file can be used with the 'Import survey' feature when creating a new survey.
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To find out more about queXML check out this page: | Para saber máis sobre queXML visite esta páxina: | Details | |
To find out more about queXML check out this page: Para saber máis sobre queXML visite esta páxina:
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Survey archive - only available for active surveys | Arquivo de enquisas - dispoñible só para enquisas activas | Details | |
Survey archive - only available for active surveys Arquivo de enquisas - dispoñible só para enquisas activas
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Survey participant data (if available) | Datos de participantes na enquisa (se existen) | Details | |
Survey participant data (if available) Datos de participantes na enquisa (se existen)
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Response data (Attention: Doesn't include files uploaded in a file upload question. These have to be exported separately.) | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Response data (Attention: Doesn't include files uploaded in a file upload question. These have to be exported separately.)
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All necessary styles will be loaded, to print it just press Ctrl/Cmd+p or select print from your browser menu. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
All necessary styles will be loaded, to print it just press Ctrl/Cmd+p or select print from your browser menu.
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It will not contain any logic or EM-functionality, you'll have to take that into account yourself. | Non conterá ningunha lóxica ou funcionalidade-EM, terá que ter iso en conta por si mesmo/a. | Details | |
It will not contain any logic or EM-functionality, you'll have to take that into account yourself. Non conterá ningunha lóxica ou funcionalidade-EM, terá que ter iso en conta por si mesmo/a.
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Dim answered array rows | Dimensionar as filas de matriz respondidas | Details | |
Dim answered array rows Dimensionar as filas de matriz respondidas
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Hide privacy info | Ocultar a información sobre privacidade | Details | |
Hide privacy info Ocultar a información sobre privacidade
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Sticky array headers | Cabezallos de matriz adheridos | Details | |
This will open the survey in %s as a printable page in new window. | Isto abrirá a enquisa en %s nunha nova xanela e como unha páxina imprimible. | Details | |
This will open the survey in %s as a printable page in new window. Isto abrirá a enquisa en %s nunha nova xanela e como unha páxina imprimible.
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This will open the survey as a printable page in new window. | Isto abrirá a enquisa nunha nova xanela e como unha páxina imprimible. | Details | |
This will open the survey as a printable page in new window. Isto abrirá a enquisa nunha nova xanela e como unha páxina imprimible.
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It will also contain the necessary stylesheets to put it up on any HTML-ready devices or browsers. | Ademais conterá as follas de estilo necesarias para poñelo en calquera navegador ou dispositivo compatible con HTML. | Details | |
It will also contain the necessary stylesheets to put it up on any HTML-ready devices or browsers. Ademais conterá as follas de estilo necesarias para poñelo en calquera navegador ou dispositivo compatible con HTML.
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This will download a .zip file containing the survey in all languages. | Isto descargará un ficheiro .zip contendo a enquisa en todos os idiomas. | Details | |
This will download a .zip file containing the survey in all languages. Isto descargará un ficheiro .zip contendo a enquisa en todos os idiomas.
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Check out the dedicated documentation for this format. | Verifique a documentación dedicada a este formato. | Details | |
Check out the dedicated documentation for this format. Verifique a documentación dedicada a este formato.
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