Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The theme '%s' has been reset. | Restableceuse o aspecto '%s'. | Details | |
The theme '%s' has been reset. Restableceuse o aspecto '%s'.
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Reset this theme | Restablecer este aspecto | Details | |
This will reload the configuration file of this theme. | Isto recargará o ficheiro de configuración deste aspecto. | Details | |
This will reload the configuration file of this theme. Isto recargará o ficheiro de configuración deste aspecto.
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Existing survey participant attributes | Atributos de participantes na enquisa existentes | Details | |
Existing survey participant attributes Atributos de participantes na enquisa existentes
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Survey participant attributes to create | Atributos de participantes na enquisa a crear | Details | |
Survey participant attributes to create Atributos de participantes na enquisa a crear
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Map survey participant attributes | Mapear atributos de participantes na enquisa | Details | |
Map survey participant attributes Mapear atributos de participantes na enquisa
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Unmapped survey participant attributes | Atributos non mapeados de participantes na enquisa | Details | |
Unmapped survey participant attributes Atributos non mapeados de participantes na enquisa
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This list cannot accept survey participant attributes. | Esta lista non pode aceptar atributos de participantes na enquisa. | Details | |
This list cannot accept survey participant attributes. Esta lista non pode aceptar atributos de participantes na enquisa.
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Deprecated survey themes: | Aspectos de enquisa descontinuados: | Details | |
Deprecated survey themes: Aspectos de enquisa descontinuados:
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The following user group assignments should be deleted: | As seguintes asignacións a grupos de usuarios/as deben borrarse: | Details | |
The following user group assignments should be deleted: As seguintes asignacións a grupos de usuarios/as deben borrarse:
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There is no matching user %s in group %s. | Non existe un/ha usuario/%s a coincidente no grupo %s. | Details | |
There is no matching user %s in group %s. Non existe un/ha usuario/%s a coincidente no grupo %s.
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Deleting orphaned user group assignments: %u assignments deleted | A borrar as asignacións a grupos de usuarios/as baleiras: borráronse %u asignacións | Details | |
Deleting orphaned user group assignments: %u assignments deleted A borrar as asignacións a grupos de usuarios/as baleiras: borráronse %u asignacións
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Malayalam | Malaio | Details | |
Theme '%s' does not exist. | O aspectos '%s' non existe. | Details | |
Open imported theme | Abrir un aspecto importado | Details | |
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