Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
(Select multiple label sets by using the Ctrl key) | (Aukeratu hainbat etiketa-multzo Ctrl tekla erabiliz) | Details | |
(Select multiple label sets by using the Ctrl key) (Aukeratu hainbat etiketa-multzo Ctrl tekla erabiliz)
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Please choose the label sets you want to export: | Mesedez, aukeratu esportatu nahi dituzun etiketa-multzoak: | Details | |
Please choose the label sets you want to export: Mesedez, aukeratu esportatu nahi dituzun etiketa-multzoak:
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Export multiple label sets | Esportatu etiketa-multzo batzuk | Details | |
Export multiple label sets Esportatu etiketa-multzo batzuk
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You have to select at least one label set. | Etiketa-multzo bat aukeratu behar duzu gutxienez. | Details | |
You have to select at least one label set. Etiketa-multzo bat aukeratu behar duzu gutxienez.
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Don't import if label set already exists: | Ez inportatu etiketa-multzoa jadanik baldin badago: | Details | |
Don't import if label set already exists: Ez inportatu etiketa-multzoa jadanik baldin badago:
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Languages: | Hizkuntzak: | Details | |
Set name: | Multzoaren izena: | Details | |
Error: You have to enter a name for this label set. | Errorea: Etiketaren izena idatzi behar duzu. | Details | |
Error: You have to enter a name for this label set. Errorea: Etiketaren izena idatzi behar duzu.
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Import label set(s) | Inportatu etiketa-multzoa/k | Details | |
Create or import new label set(s) | Sortu edo inportatu etiketa-multzoak | Details | |
Create or import new label set(s) Sortu edo inportatu etiketa-multzoak
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Editing | Editatzen | Details | |
Editing %s | %s editatzen | Details | |
Note: Demo mode is activated. Marked (*) settings can't be changed. | Oharra: Demo modua aktibatuta dago. (*) batez markatutako parametroak ezin dira aldatu. | Details | |
Note: Demo mode is activated. Marked (*) settings can't be changed. Oharra: Demo modua aktibatuta dago. (*) batez markatutako parametroak ezin dira aldatu.
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Save settings | Gorde konfigurazioa | Details | |
Remove | Kendu | Details | |
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