Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
If you have any issues, please try using a modern browser first, before reporting it. | Kui teil on probleeme, proovige kõigepealt kasutada uuemat brauserit, enne kui probleemist teatate. | Details | |
If you have any issues, please try using a modern browser first, before reporting it. Kui teil on probleeme, proovige kõigepealt kasutada uuemat brauserit, enne kui probleemist teatate.
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You are using Microsoft Internet Explorer. | Kasutate Microsoft Internet Explorerit. | Details | |
You are using Microsoft Internet Explorer. Kasutate Microsoft Internet Explorerit.
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Show privacy policy text with mandatory checkbox: | Kuva privaatsuseeskirja tekst koos kohustusliku märkeruuduga: | Details | |
Show privacy policy text with mandatory checkbox: Kuva privaatsuseeskirja tekst koos kohustusliku märkeruuduga:
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On page | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Show popups | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Error message | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Broken survey themes | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Preview question type | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Renumber scenarios | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Show in collapse | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Every row is one subquestion. We recommend the usage of logical or numerical codes for subquestions. Your participants cannot see the subquestion code, only the subquestion text itself. | Iga rida on üks alamküsimus. Soovitame alamküsimuste puhul kasutada loogilisi või numbrilisi koode. Teie osalejad ei näe alamküsimuse koodi, vaid ainult alamküsimuse teksti. | Details | |
Every row is one subquestion. We recommend the usage of logical or numerical codes for subquestions. Your participants cannot see the subquestion code, only the subquestion text itself. Iga rida on üks alamküsimus. Soovitame alamküsimuste puhul kasutada loogilisi või numbrilisi koode. Teie osalejad ei näe alamküsimuse koodi, vaid ainult alamküsimuse teksti.
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Please remember that in order to have a valid code, it must contain only letters and numbers, also please check that it starts with a letter. | Pidage meeles, et kood tohib sisaldada ainult tähti ja numbreid, samuti kontrollige, kas see algab tähega. | Details | |
Please remember that in order to have a valid code, it must contain only letters and numbers, also please check that it starts with a letter. Pidage meeles, et kood tohib sisaldada ainult tähti ja numbreid, samuti kontrollige, kas see algab tähega.
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You can add some additional help text to your question. If you decide not to offer any additional question hints, then no help text will be displayed to your respondents. | Saate küsimusele lisada täiendavat abiteksti. Kui otsustate küsimuste kohta täiendavaid vihjeid mitte anda, siis vastajatele abiteksti ei näidata. | Details | |
You can add some additional help text to your question. If you decide not to offer any additional question hints, then no help text will be displayed to your respondents. Saate küsimusele lisada täiendavat abiteksti. Kui otsustate küsimuste kohta täiendavaid vihjeid mitte anda, siis vastajatele abiteksti ei näidata.
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The title of the question group is visible to your survey participants (this setting can be changed later and it cannot be empty). Question groups are important because they allow the survey administrators to logically group the questions. By default, each question group (including its questions) is shown on its own page (this setting can be changed later). | Küsimuste rühma pealkiri on teie küsitluses osalejatele nähtav (seda seadet saab hiljem muuta ja see ei saa olla tühi). Küsimuste rühmad on olulised, kuna need võimaldavad küsitluse administraatoritel küsimusi loogiliselt rühmitada. Vaikimisi kuvatakse iga küsimuste rühm (sh selle küsimused) eraldi lehel (seda seadet saab hiljem muuta). | Details | |
The title of the question group is visible to your survey participants (this setting can be changed later and it cannot be empty). Question groups are important because they allow the survey administrators to logically group the questions. By default, each question group (including its questions) is shown on its own page (this setting can be changed later). Küsimuste rühma pealkiri on teie küsitluses osalejatele nähtav (seda seadet saab hiljem muuta ja see ei saa olla tühi). Küsimuste rühmad on olulised, kuna need võimaldavad küsitluse administraatoritel küsimusi loogiliselt rühmitada. Vaikimisi kuvatakse iga küsimuste rühm (sh selle küsimused) eraldi lehel (seda seadet saab hiljem muuta).
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This bar will change as you move through the functionalities. The current bar corresponds to the "overview" tab. It contains the most important LimeSurvey functionalities such as preview and activate survey. | See riba muutub funktsioonide vahel liikudes. Praegune riba vastab vahekaardile Ülevaade. See sisaldab LimeSurvey kõige olulisemaid funktsioone, nagu küsitluse eelvaade ja aktiveerimine. | Details | |
This bar will change as you move through the functionalities. The current bar corresponds to the "overview" tab. It contains the most important LimeSurvey functionalities such as preview and activate survey. See riba muutub funktsioonide vahel liikudes. Praegune riba vastab vahekaardile Ülevaade. See sisaldab LimeSurvey kõige olulisemaid funktsioone, nagu küsitluse eelvaade ja aktiveerimine.
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