Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Aug | Awst | Details | |
Jul | Gorff | Details | |
Jun | Meh | Details | |
May | Mai | Details | |
Apr | Ebr | Details | |
Mar | Maw | Details | |
Feb | Chwef | Details | |
Jan | Ion | Details | |
seconds | eiliad | Details | |
mins | munud | Details | |
hours | awr | Details | |
Your time to answer this question has nearly expired. You have {TIME} remaining. | Mae eich amser i ateb y cwestiwn hwn ar fin dod i ben. Mae gennych {TIME} yn weddill. | Details | |
Your time to answer this question has nearly expired. You have {TIME} remaining. Mae eich amser i ateb y cwestiwn hwn ar fin dod i ben. Mae gennych {TIME} yn weddill.
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Time remaining | Amser yn weddill | Details | |
Your time to answer this question has expired | Mae'ch amser i ateb y cwestiwn hwn wedi dod i ben | Details | |
Your time to answer this question has expired Mae'ch amser i ateb y cwestiwn hwn wedi dod i ben
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One or more file have either exceeded the filesize/are not in the right format or the minimum number of required files have not been uploaded. You cannot proceed until these have been completed | Mae un neu ragor o ffeiliau yn fwy na'r maint ffeil/yn y fformat anghywir, neu dydy nifer lleiaf y ffeiliau sy'n ofynnol ddim wedi cael eu llwytho i fyny. Chewch chi ddim bwrw ymlaen nes eich bod yn cwblhau'r rhain. | Details | |
One or more file have either exceeded the filesize/are not in the right format or the minimum number of required files have not been uploaded. You cannot proceed until these have been completed Mae un neu ragor o ffeiliau yn fwy na'r maint ffeil/yn y fformat anghywir, neu dydy nifer lleiaf y ffeiliau sy'n ofynnol ddim wedi cael eu llwytho i fyny. Chewch chi ddim bwrw ymlaen nes eich bod yn cwblhau'r rhain.
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