Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Broken survey themes | Themâu arolwg wedi'u torri: | Details | |
Could not insert all conditions. | Doedd dim modd mewnosod yr holl amodau. | Details | |
Could not insert all conditions. Doedd dim modd mewnosod yr holl amodau.
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Condition added. | Ychwanegodd cyflwr. | Details | |
Could not update condition. | Doedd dim modd diweddaru cyflwr. | Details | |
Could not update condition. Doedd dim modd diweddaru cyflwr.
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Condition updated. | Cyflwr diweddaru. | Details | |
Are you sure you want to delete all conditions for this question? | Ydych chi'n siŵr eich bod am ddileu'r holl amodau ar gyfer y cwestiwn hwn? | Details | |
Are you sure you want to delete all conditions for this question? Ydych chi'n siŵr eich bod am ddileu'r holl amodau ar gyfer y cwestiwn hwn?
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Delete all conditions in this scenario | Dileu holl amodau yn y senario hwn | Details | |
Delete all conditions in this scenario Dileu holl amodau yn y senario hwn
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Either admin login name, password or email is empty | Naill ai enw mewngofnodi admin, cyfrinair neu e-bostiwch yn wag | Details | |
Either admin login name, password or email is empty Naill ai enw mewngofnodi admin, cyfrinair neu e-bostiwch yn wag
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Edit this attribute | Golygu'r priodoledd hwn | Details | |
Delete this attribute | Dileu priodoledd hwn | Details | |
The data received seems incomplete. This usually happens due to server limitations (PHP setting max_input_vars). Please contact your system administrator. | Dydy'r holl is-gwestiynau ddim wedi'u cadw. Mae hyn fel arfer yn digwydd oherwydd cyfyngiadau'r gweinydd (gosodiad PHP max_input_vars) - holwch weinyddwr eich system. | Details | |
The data received seems incomplete. This usually happens due to server limitations (PHP setting max_input_vars). Please contact your system administrator. Dydy'r holl is-gwestiynau ddim wedi'u cadw. Mae hyn fel arfer yn digwydd oherwydd cyfyngiadau'r gweinydd (gosodiad PHP max_input_vars) - holwch weinyddwr eich system.
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The imap PHP library is not installed or not activated. Please contact your system administrator. | Dydy'r llyfrgell imap PHP ddim wedi'i gosod. Holwch weinyddwr eich system. | Details | |
The imap PHP library is not installed or not activated. Please contact your system administrator. Dydy'r llyfrgell imap PHP ddim wedi'i gosod. Holwch weinyddwr eich system.
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Repeat password: | Ail-deipio'r cyfrinair | Details | |
The response timings table has been renamed to: %s | Wedi ailenwi'r tabl amseru ymateb fel: | Details | |
The response timings table has been renamed to: %s Wedi ailenwi'r tabl amseru ymateb fel:
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This question has missing subquestions. | Does gan y cwestiwn hwn ddim is-gwestiynau. | Details | |
This question has missing subquestions. Does gan y cwestiwn hwn ddim is-gwestiynau.
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