Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Mandatory: | Gorfodol: | Details | |
Option 'Other': | Dewis 'Arall': | Details | |
Question group: | Grŵp cwestiwn: | Details | |
Question: | Cwestiwn: | Details | |
Edit question | Golygu cwestiwn | Details | |
Copy question | Copïo cwestiwn | Details | |
Add a new question | Ychwanegu cwestiwn newydd | Details | |
New label set | Set labeli newydd | Details | |
Predefined label sets... | Setiau labeli sydd wedi'u rhagddiffinio... | Details | |
Predefined label sets... Setiau labeli sydd wedi'u rhagddiffinio...
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Ok | Iawn | Details | |
Sorry, the request failed! | Yn anffodus, mae'r cais wedi methu! | Details | |
Sorry, the request failed! Yn anffodus, mae'r cais wedi methu!
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The records have been saved successfully! | Wedi llwyddo i gadw'r cofnodion! | Details | |
The records have been saved successfully! Wedi llwyddo i gadw'r cofnodion!
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Save as label set | Cadw fel set o labeli | Details | |
There are no label sets which match the survey default language | Does dim setiau labeli yn cyd-fynd ag iaith ddiofyn yr arolwg | Details | |
There are no label sets which match the survey default language Does dim setiau labeli yn cyd-fynd ag iaith ddiofyn yr arolwg
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Error: You are trying to use duplicate answer codes. | Gwall: Rydych chi'n ceisio defnyddio codau ateb dyblyg. | Details | |
Error: You are trying to use duplicate answer codes. Gwall: Rydych chi'n ceisio defnyddio codau ateb dyblyg.
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