Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
You can use operators in the search filters (eg: >, <, >=, <=, = ) | Pode usar operadores nos filtros de pesquisa (eg: >, <, >=, <=, = ) | Details | |
You can use operators in the search filters (eg: >, <, >=, <=, = ) Pode usar operadores nos filtros de pesquisa (eg: >, <, >=, <=, = )
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Convert resource links and expression fields? | Converter os campos de hiperligações de recursos e expressões? | Details | |
Convert resource links and expression fields? Converter os campos de hiperligações de recursos e expressões?
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Deleted | Eliminado | Details | |
Your ranking | A sua classificação | Details | |
Your choices | As suas escolhas | Details | |
Slider with emoticon | Botão deslizante com smileys | Details | |
Stars | Estrelas | Details | |
Rows & columns | Linhas e colunas | Details | |
OpenStreetMap via MapQuest | OpenStreetMap através do MapQuest | Details | |
OpenStreetMap via MapQuest OpenStreetMap através do MapQuest
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Add survey participant | Adicionar participante ao inquérito | Details | |
Add survey participant Adicionar participante ao inquérito
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Delete participants table | Remover tabela de participantes | Details | |
Delete participants table Remover tabela de participantes
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View in CPDB | Visualizar na CPDB (BD central de participantes) | Details | |
View in CPDB Visualizar na CPDB (BD central de participantes)
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Manage attributes | Gerir atributos | Details | |
Import participants from: | Importar participantes de: | Details | |
There is {n} user attribute field in this survey participants table.|There are {n} user attribute fields in this survey participants table. | Existe {n} atributo de utilizador nesta tabela de participantes do inquérito.|Existem {n} atributos de utilizador nesta tabela de participantes do inquérito. | Details | |
There is {n} user attribute field in this survey participants table.|There are {n} user attribute fields in this survey participants table. Existe {n} atributo de utilizador nesta tabela de participantes do inquérito.|Existem {n} atributos de utilizador nesta tabela de participantes do inquérito.
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