Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
License | Lisensia | Details | |
Welcome to the LimeSurvey installation wizard. This wizard will guide you through the installation, database setup and initial configuration of LimeSurvey. | Bonbiní na asistente di instalashon di LimeSurvey. E asistente aki lo guia bo durante su instalashon, definishon di bo banko di dato i konfigurashon di LimeSurvey. | Details | |
Welcome to the LimeSurvey installation wizard. This wizard will guide you through the installation, database setup and initial configuration of LimeSurvey. Bonbiní na asistente di instalashon di LimeSurvey. E asistente aki lo guia bo durante su instalashon, definishon di bo banko di dato i konfigurashon di LimeSurvey.
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Welcome | Bonbiní | Details | |
Version | Vershon | Details | |
LimeSurvey online manual | Manual "online" di LimeSurvey | Details | |
Main Admin Screen | Pantaya prinsipal di Admi | Details | |
Back | Bai bèk | Details | |
Passwords do not match | kódigo di aksesonn no ta konkordá | Details | |
Passwords do not match kódigo di aksesonn no ta konkordá
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Minute step interval when using select boxes | Intervalo di paso pa ora ku ta hasi uzo di kahanan di selekshon | Details | |
Minute step interval when using select boxes Intervalo di paso pa ora ku ta hasi uzo di kahanan di selekshon
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Your survey responses have not been recorded. This survey is not yet active. | No a warda bo kontestanan. E enkuesta aki no ta aktivo ainda. | Details | |
Your survey responses have not been recorded. This survey is not yet active. No a warda bo kontestanan. E enkuesta aki no ta aktivo ainda.
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Survey could not be created. | E enkuesta no por a keda aktualisá. | Details | |
Survey could not be created. E enkuesta no por a keda aktualisá.
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Open-access mode | Modo akseso liber | Details | |
Survey group permissions were successfully updated. | Pèrmit di e enkuesta a keda aktualisá | Details | |
Survey group permissions were successfully updated. Pèrmit di e enkuesta a keda aktualisá
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You are not allowed to use this group | Bo no ta outorisá pa eliminá e grupo aki! | Details | |
You are not allowed to use this group Bo no ta outorisá pa eliminá e grupo aki!
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