Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Resources Import Summary | Sommarju dwar l-importazzjoni tar-riżorsi | Details | |
Resources Import Summary Sommarju dwar l-importazzjoni tar-riżorsi
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Error Files List | Lista ta' Fajls Żbaljati | Details | |
Imported Files List | Il-lista ta' fajls importati | Details | |
Import survey resources | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
(No target question) | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
All questions, answers, etc for removed languages will be lost. Are you sure? | Il-mistoqsijiet, it-tweġibiet, eċċ għal-lingwi li nteħħew se jintiflu. Inti ċert/a? | Details | |
All questions, answers, etc for removed languages will be lost. Are you sure? Il-mistoqsijiet, it-tweġibiet, eċċ għal-lingwi li nteħħew se jintiflu. Inti ċert/a?
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Edit survey settings | Biddel is-settings ta' l-istħarriġ | Details | |
Edit survey settings Biddel is-settings ta' l-istħarriġ
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Decimal mark: | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Date format: | Il-Format tad-data: | Details | |
URL description: | Deskrizzjoni tal-URL: | Details | |
End URL: | URL tal-aħħar: | Details | |
Welcome: | Merħba: | Details | |
Welcome message: | Messaġġ ta' Merħba: | Details | |
Survey title: | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
This survey has an associated participant table. If you delete this survey this participant table will be deleted. We recommend that you export or backup these participants before deleting this survey. | Dan l-istħarriġ għandu tabella ta' tokens assoċjati miegħu. Jekk tħassar dan l-istħarriġ, se tħassar it-tabella ta' tokens ukoll. Aħna nirrakomandaw li inti tesporta jew tagħmel sistema ta' backup qabel ma tħassar dan l-istħarriġ. | Details | |
This survey has an associated participant table. If you delete this survey this participant table will be deleted. We recommend that you export or backup these participants before deleting this survey. Dan l-istħarriġ għandu tabella ta' tokens assoċjati miegħu. Jekk tħassar dan l-istħarriġ, se tħassar it-tabella ta' tokens ukoll. Aħna nirrakomandaw li inti tesporta jew tagħmel sistema ta' backup qabel ma tħassar dan l-istħarriġ.
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