Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Greater than (Strings) | daugiau kaip (string) | Details | |
Greater than or equal to (Strings) | daugiau kaip arba lygu (string) | Details | |
Greater than or equal to (Strings) daugiau kaip arba lygu (string)
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Less than or equal to (Strings) | mažiau kaip arba lygu (string) | Details | |
Less than or equal to (Strings) mažiau kaip arba lygu (string)
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Less than (Strings) | mažiau kaip (string) | Details | |
Regular expression | Reguliarūs išsireiškimai | Details | |
Greater than | Daugiau nei | Details | |
Greater than or equal to | daugiau arba lygu | Details | |
Not equal to | nelygu | Details | |
equals | lygu | Details | |
Less than or equal to | mažiau arba lygu | Details | |
Less than | mažiau | Details | |
Survey ID %d saved at %s containing %d record(s) | Apklausa ID %d išsaugota %s, ji turi %d įrašus | Details | |
Survey ID %d saved at %s containing %d record(s) Apklausa ID %d išsaugota %s, ji turi %d įrašus
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Survey ID %d saved at %s containing %d record(s) (%s) | Apklausa ID %d išsaugota %s ir turinti %d įrašą (-us) (%s) | Details | |
Survey ID %d saved at %s containing %d record(s) (%s) Apklausa ID %d išsaugota %s ir turinti %d įrašą (-us) (%s)
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timings | Sinchronizavimas | Details | |
responses | atsakymai | Details | |
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