Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Subquestion validation tip | Sub-klausimo patikrinimo patarimas | Details | |
Subquestion validation tip Sub-klausimo patikrinimo patarimas
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You are already a participant of this survey. | Jūs jau esate šioje apklausoje. | Details | |
You are already a participant of this survey. Jūs jau esate šioje apklausoje.
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Assessment mode not activated | Testavimo režimas neaktyvus | Details | |
Assessment mode not activated Testavimo režimas neaktyvus
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This is a tip shown to the participant describing the subquestion validation equation. | Šis patarimas rodomas dalyviams aprašant sub-klausimo patikrinimo lygtį. | Details | |
This is a tip shown to the participant describing the subquestion validation equation. Šis patarimas rodomas dalyviams aprašant sub-klausimo patikrinimo lygtį.
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A participant table has been created for this survey. | Kodų lentelė šiai apklausai sukurta. | Details | |
A participant table has been created for this survey. Kodų lentelė šiai apklausai sukurta.
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Copy the selected conditions to: | Kopijuoti pasirinktas sąlygas į | Details | |
Copy the selected conditions to: Kopijuoti pasirinktas sąlygas į
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Open-access mode | Atviros prieigos būsena | Details | |
The file has been successfully uploaded. | Failas sėkmingai išsiųstas | Details | |
The file has been successfully uploaded. Failas sėkmingai išsiųstas
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Error! | Klaida: | Details | |
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