Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Translate to | Þýða yfir í | Details | |
Return to survey administration | Fara til baka í stjórnhluta könnunar | Details | |
Return to survey administration Fara til baka í stjórnhluta könnunar
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Translate survey | Þýða könnun | Details | |
A survey participants table has been created for this survey and the old participants were imported. | Kennis tafla hefur verið búin til fyrir þessa könnun og gömlu kennin voru innflutt. | Details | |
A survey participants table has been created for this survey and the old participants were imported. Kennis tafla hefur verið búin til fyrir þessa könnun og gömlu kennin voru innflutt.
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A participant table has been created for this survey. | Kennis tafla hefur verið búin til fyrir þessa könnun. | Details | |
A participant table has been created for this survey. Kennis tafla hefur verið búin til fyrir þessa könnun.
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Bounce settings have been saved. | Endurkastsstillingar hafa verið vistaðar. | Details | |
Bounce settings have been saved. Endurkastsstillingar hafa verið vistaðar.
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Bounce settings | Endurkast | Details | |
A backup of this table has been made, which can only be accessed by your site administrator. | Afrit af þessari töflu hefur verið búið til og er aðgengileg fyrir aðalstjórnanda. | Details | |
A backup of this table has been made, which can only be accessed by your site administrator. Afrit af þessari töflu hefur verið búið til og er aðgengileg fyrir aðalstjórnanda.
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A backup of this table will be made if you proceed. Your site administrator will be able to access this table. | Afrit af þessari töflu verður búin til ef þú heldur áfram. Aðalstjórnandi mun hafa aðgang að þeirri töflu. | Details | |
A backup of this table will be made if you proceed. Your site administrator will be able to access this table. Afrit af þessari töflu verður búin til ef þú heldur áfram. Aðalstjórnandi mun hafa aðgang að þeirri töflu.
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Clicking 'Yes' will generate access codes for all those in this participant list that have not been issued one. Continue? | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Clicking 'Yes' will generate access codes for all those in this participant list that have not been issued one. Continue?
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Can't connect to the LDAP directory | Get ekki tengst LDAP skráarsafni | Details | |
Can't connect to the LDAP directory Get ekki tengst LDAP skráarsafni
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We are sorry but you don't have permissions to do this. | Því miður hefur þú ekki leyfi til að gera þetta. | Details | |
We are sorry but you don't have permissions to do this. Því miður hefur þú ekki leyfi til að gera þetta.
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Uploading LDAP Query | Hleð upp LDAP fyrirspurn | Details | |
not having been sent an invitation already | hefur ekki verið send þátttökuboð nú þegar | Details | |
not having been sent an invitation already hefur ekki verið send þátttökuboð nú þegar
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having a valid email address | hefur löglegt netfang | Details | |
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