Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Your key has been updated and validated! You can now use ComfortUpdate. | Kunci Anda telah diperbarui dan divalidasi! Anda sekarang dapat menggunakan ComfortUpdate. | Details | |
Your key has been updated and validated! You can now use ComfortUpdate. Kunci Anda telah diperbarui dan divalidasi! Anda sekarang dapat menggunakan ComfortUpdate.
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Those files/directories are not writable: | Direktori/berkas berikut tidak dapat ditulisi: | Details | |
Those files/directories are not writable: Direktori/berkas berikut tidak dapat ditulisi:
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Write error! | Modifikasi gagal! | Details | |
You can now continue updating your LimeSurvey Installation. | Sekarang anda dapat melanjutkan untuk memperbarui instalasi LimeSurvey. | Details | |
You can now continue updating your LimeSurvey Installation. Sekarang anda dapat melanjutkan untuk memperbarui instalasi LimeSurvey.
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ComfortUpdate has been updated! | ComfortUpdate telah diperbarui! | Details | |
ComfortUpdate has been updated! ComfortUpdate telah diperbarui!
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ComfortUpdate needs to be updated | ComfortUpdate perlu diperbarui | Details | |
ComfortUpdate needs to be updated ComfortUpdate perlu diperbarui
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Update complete! | Pembaruan selesai! | Details | |
Not enough space | Ruang tidak cukup | Details | |
End | Berakhir | Details | |
Backup | Pencadangan | Details | |
File system | Berkas sistem | Details | |
New key | Kunci baru | Details | |
Enter a new key | Masukkan kunci baru | Details | |
Could not remove deleted directories | Direktori terhapus tidak dapat dihilangkan | Details | |
Could not remove deleted directories Direktori terhapus tidak dapat dihilangkan
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Could not remove deleted files | Berkas terhapus tidak dapat dihilangkan | Details | |
Could not remove deleted files Berkas terhapus tidak dapat dihilangkan
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