Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
PHP version is only %s | Hanya PHP versi %s | Details | |
PHP version required: | Versi PHP yang dibutuhkan: | Details | |
Please wait, loading data... | Harap tunggu, sedang memuat data... | Details | |
Please wait, loading data... Harap tunggu, sedang memuat data...
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An error occurred while creating your update package file. | Terjadi kesalahan saat membuat file paket pembaruan Anda. | Details | |
An error occurred while creating your update package file. Terjadi kesalahan saat membuat file paket pembaruan Anda.
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ComfortUpdate couldn't remove one or more directories that were deleted with the update. | ComfortUpdate tidak dapat menghapus satu atau beberapa direktori yang telah dihapus dengan pembaruan. | Details | |
ComfortUpdate couldn't remove one or more directories that were deleted with the update. ComfortUpdate tidak dapat menghapus satu atau beberapa direktori yang telah dihapus dengan pembaruan.
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ComfortUpdate couldn't remove one or more files that were deleted with the update. | ComfortUpdate tidak dapat menghapus satu atau beberapa file yang telah dihapus dengan pembaruan. | Details | |
ComfortUpdate couldn't remove one or more files that were deleted with the update. ComfortUpdate tidak dapat menghapus satu atau beberapa file yang telah dihapus dengan pembaruan.
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An error occurred while getting the changeset. | Terjadi kesalahan saat mengambil changeset. | Details | |
An error occurred while getting the changeset. Terjadi kesalahan saat mengambil changeset.
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An error occurred while getting checksums. | Terjadi kesalahan saat mendapatkan checksum. | Details | |
An error occurred while getting checksums. Terjadi kesalahan saat mendapatkan checksum.
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Please contact the LimeSurvey team. | Harap hubungi tim LimeSurvey. | Details | |
Please contact the LimeSurvey team. Harap hubungi tim LimeSurvey.
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Answer label font size (small) | Ukuran huruf label jawaban (kecil) | Details | |
Answer label font size (small) Ukuran huruf label jawaban (kecil)
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Answer label font size (normal) | Ukuran huruf label jawaban (normal) | Details | |
Answer label font size (normal) Ukuran huruf label jawaban (normal)
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Answer option / subquestion font size | Ukuran huruf opsi jawaban/subpertanyaan | Details | |
Answer option / subquestion font size Ukuran huruf opsi jawaban/subpertanyaan
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Your update key: | Kunci pembaruan Anda: | Details | |
At the end of the process we'll proceed to the LimeSurvey update. | Pada akhir proses, kami akan melanjutkan ke pembaruan LimeSurvey. | Details | |
At the end of the process we'll proceed to the LimeSurvey update. Pada akhir proses, kami akan melanjutkan ke pembaruan LimeSurvey.
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Before you proceed to the LimeSurvey update, we must first update ComfortUpdate itself. | Sebelum Anda melanjutkan ke pembaruan LimeSurvey, kita harus memperbarui ComfortUpdate terlebih dahulu. | Details | |
Before you proceed to the LimeSurvey update, we must first update ComfortUpdate itself. Sebelum Anda melanjutkan ke pembaruan LimeSurvey, kita harus memperbarui ComfortUpdate terlebih dahulu.
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