Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Set the percentage width of the answers column (1-100) | Tetapkan persentase lebar kolom jawaban (1 -100) | Details | |
Set the percentage width of the answers column (1-100) Tetapkan persentase lebar kolom jawaban (1 -100)
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This question only accepts 30 digits including 10 decimals. | Pertanyaan ini hanya menerima 30 digit termasuk 10 desimal. | Details | |
This question only accepts 30 digits including 10 decimals. Pertanyaan ini hanya menerima 30 digit termasuk 10 desimal.
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Your have to answer the security question - please try again. | Anda harus menjawab pertanyaan keamanan - silakan coba lagi. | Details | |
Your have to answer the security question - please try again. Anda harus menjawab pertanyaan keamanan - silakan coba lagi.
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%s not found! | %s tidak ditemukan! | Details | |
LimeSurvey theme editor | Editor tema LimeSurvey | Details | |
This is an error message example | Ini adalah contoh pesan kesalahan | Details | |
This is an error message example Ini adalah contoh pesan kesalahan
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You got {TOTAL} points out of 3 possible points. | Anda mendapatkan {TOTAL} poin dari 3 kemungkinan poin. | Details | |
You got {TOTAL} points out of 3 possible points. Anda mendapatkan {TOTAL} poin dari 3 kemungkinan poin.
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Welcome to the Assessment | Selamat datang di Penilaian | Details | |
You can't delete template '%s' because one or more templates inherit from it. | Anda tidak dapat menghapus templat '%s' karena satu atau beberapa templat mewarisi templat tersebut. | Details | |
You can't delete template '%s' because one or more templates inherit from it. Anda tidak dapat menghapus templat '%s' karena satu atau beberapa templat mewarisi templat tersebut.
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Template '%s' could not be found. | Templat '%s' tidak dapat ditemukan. | Details | |
Template '%s' could not be found. Templat '%s' tidak dapat ditemukan.
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Demo mode: Uploading plugins is disabled. | Mode demo: Mengunggah plugin dinonaktifkan. | Details | |
Demo mode: Uploading plugins is disabled. Mode demo: Mengunggah plugin dinonaktifkan.
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You can't uninstall template '%s' because some templates inherit from it. | Anda tidak dapat menghapus instalan templat '%s' karena beberapa templat mewarisi dari itu. | Details | |
You can't uninstall template '%s' because some templates inherit from it. Anda tidak dapat menghapus instalan templat '%s' karena beberapa templat mewarisi dari itu.
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This function cannot be executed because demo mode is active. | Fungsi ini tidak dapat dijalankan karena mode demo aktif. | Details | |
This function cannot be executed because demo mode is active. Fungsi ini tidak dapat dijalankan karena mode demo aktif.
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This feature is only available for MySQL databases. Your database type is %s. | Fitur ini hanya tersedia untuk database MySQL. Jenis database Anda adalah%s. | Details | |
This feature is only available for MySQL databases. Your database type is %s. Fitur ini hanya tersedia untuk database MySQL. Jenis database Anda adalah%s.
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Activate assessements | Aktifkan penilaian | Details | |
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