Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Plugin %s didn't exist, settings not imported | Plugin %s tidak ada, pengaturan tidak diimpor | Details | |
Plugin %s didn't exist, settings not imported Plugin %s tidak ada, pengaturan tidak diimpor
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View response details as queXML PDF | Lihat tanggapan detail sebagai PDF queXML | Details | |
View response details as queXML PDF Lihat tanggapan detail sebagai PDF queXML
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Selected answers | Jawaban terpilih | Details | |
Selection | Pilihan | Details | |
Delete survey files | Hapus berkas survei | Details | |
Error: Cannot purge files for a survey that is not deleted. Please delete the survey normally in the survey view. | Kesalahan: Tidak dapat menghapus file untuk survei yang tidak dihapus. Hapus survei seperti biasa dalam tampilan survei. | Details | |
Error: Cannot purge files for a survey that is not deleted. Please delete the survey normally in the survey view. Kesalahan: Tidak dapat menghapus file untuk survei yang tidak dihapus. Hapus survei seperti biasa dalam tampilan survei.
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Error: Could not delete survey files. | Kesalahan: Tidak dapat menghapus file survei. | Details | |
Error: Could not delete survey files. Kesalahan: Tidak dapat menghapus file survei.
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Survey files deleted. | Berkas survei terhapus. | Details | |
Batch-edit participants | Peserta edit batch | Details | |
No participant table found for this survey! | Tabel partisipan tidak ditemukan untuk survei ini! | Details | |
No participant table found for this survey! Tabel partisipan tidak ditemukan untuk survei ini!
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%d file deleted.|%d files deleted. | %d berkas terhapus.|%d berkas terhapus. | Details | |
%d file deleted.|%d files deleted. %d berkas terhapus.|%d berkas terhapus.
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Modify | Modifikasi | Details | |
Are you sure you want to delete all uploaded files from the selected responses? | Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus semua berkas unggahan dari tanggapan terpilih? | Details | |
Are you sure you want to delete all uploaded files from the selected responses? Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus semua berkas unggahan dari tanggapan terpilih?
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Delete attachments | Hapus lampiran | Details | |
Survey storage | Penyimpanan survei | Details | |
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