Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
No conditions could be copied (due to duplicates) | Uvjete nije moguće kopirati (radi duplikata) | Details | |
No conditions could be copied (due to duplicates) Uvjete nije moguće kopirati (radi duplikata)
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All conditions scenarios were renumbered. | Svi scenariji uvjeta su prenumerirani. | Details | |
All conditions scenarios were renumbered. Svi scenariji uvjeta su prenumerirani.
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The condition could not be added! It did not include the question and/or answer upon which the condition was based. Please ensure you have selected a question and an answer. | Uvjeti se ne mogu dodati! Niste izabrali pitanje i/ili odgovore nad kojima će se uvjet odnositi. Molimo da izaberete pitanje i odgovor. | Details | |
The condition could not be added! It did not include the question and/or answer upon which the condition was based. Please ensure you have selected a question and an answer. Uvjeti se ne mogu dodati! Niste izabrali pitanje i/ili odgovore nad kojima će se uvjet odnositi. Molimo da izaberete pitanje i odgovor.
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All conditions in this survey have been deleted. | Svi uvjeti u ovom upitniku su obrisani. | Details | |
All conditions in this survey have been deleted. Svi uvjeti u ovom upitniku su obrisani.
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Warning | Upozorenje | Details | |
We recommend that before you proceed, you export the entire survey from the main administration screen. | Preporučujemo da prije nastavka izvezete kompletan upitnik sa glavnog administratorskog ekrana. | Details | |
We recommend that before you proceed, you export the entire survey from the main administration screen. Preporučujemo da prije nastavka izvezete kompletan upitnik sa glavnog administratorskog ekrana.
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You are about to delete all conditions on this survey's questions | Upravo ćete izbrisati sve uvjete na pitanja iz ovog upitnika | Details | |
You are about to delete all conditions on this survey's questions Upravo ćete izbrisati sve uvjete na pitanja iz ovog upitnika
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Yes | Da | Details | |
You have not selected a question | Niste odabrali pitanje | Details | |
You have not selected a question Niste odabrali pitanje
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You have not selected a survey | Niste izabrali upitnik | Details | |
Greater than (Strings) | Veće od (nizovi) | Details | |
Greater than or equal to (Strings) | Veće od ili jednako (nizovi) | Details | |
Greater than or equal to (Strings) Veće od ili jednako (nizovi)
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Less than or equal to (Strings) | Manje ili jednako od (nizovi) | Details | |
Less than or equal to (Strings) Manje ili jednako od (nizovi)
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Less than (Strings) | Manje od (nizovi) | Details | |
Regular expression | Regularni izraz | Details | |
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