Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Finds whether a variable is NULL | Otkriva je li varijabla NULL | Details | |
Finds whether a variable is NULL Otkriva je li varijabla NULL
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Finds whether a value is not a number | Pronalazi je li vrijednost broj | Details | |
Finds whether a value is not a number Pronalazi je li vrijednost broj
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Finds whether the type of a variable is float | Pronalazi da li je tip varijable float | Details | |
Finds whether the type of a variable is float Pronalazi da li je tip varijable float
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Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty | Odredite je li varijabla prazna | Details | |
Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty Odredite je li varijabla prazna
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Get the integer value of a variable | Dobijte cjelobrojnu vrijednost varijable | Details | |
Get the integer value of a variable Dobijte cjelobrojnu vrijednost varijable
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Join array elements with a string | Spojite elemente u znakovni niz | Details | |
Join array elements with a string Spojite elemente u znakovni niz
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Conditional processing | Uvjetna obrada | Details | |
Format a local time/date as integer | Oblikovati lokalno vrijeme / datum kao cijeli broj | Details | |
Format a local time/date as integer Oblikovati lokalno vrijeme / datum kao cijeli broj
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Convert special HTML entities back to characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) | Pretvori posebne HTML entitete u znakove (uvijek koristi ENT_QUOTES i UTF-8) | Details | |
Convert special HTML entities back to characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) Pretvori posebne HTML entitete u znakove (uvijek koristi ENT_QUOTES i UTF-8)
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Convert special characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) | Pretvaranje specijalnih znakova u HTML entitete (uvijek koristi ENT_QUOTES i UTF-8) | Details | |
Convert special characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) Pretvaranje specijalnih znakova u HTML entitete (uvijek koristi ENT_QUOTES i UTF-8)
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Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) | Pretvaranje svih relevantnih znakova u HTML entitete (uvijek koristi ENT_QUOTES i UTF-8) | Details | |
Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) Pretvaranje svih relevantnih znakova u HTML entitete (uvijek koristi ENT_QUOTES i UTF-8)
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Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) | Pretvaranje svih HTML entiteta u odgovarajuće znakove (uvijek koristi ENT_QUOTES i UTF-8) | Details | |
Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters (always uses ENT_QUOTES and UTF-8) Pretvaranje svih HTML entiteta u odgovarajuće znakove (uvijek koristi ENT_QUOTES i UTF-8)
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Format a GMT date/time | Format za GMT datum/vrijeme | Details | |
Round fractions down | Zaokruži razlomke prema dolje | Details | |
Display numbers with comma as decimal separator, if needed | Ako je potrebno, prikazati brojeve s zarezom kao decimalnim razdjelnikom | Details | |
Display numbers with comma as decimal separator, if needed Ako je potrebno, prikazati brojeve s zarezom kao decimalnim razdjelnikom
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