Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The records have been saved successfully! | Zapisi su uspješno spremljeni! | Details | |
The records have been saved successfully! Zapisi su uspješno spremljeni!
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Save as label set | Spremi kao set oznaka | Details | |
There are no label sets which match the survey default language | Nema skupova oznaka koji odgovaraju zadanim jeziku upitnika | Details | |
There are no label sets which match the survey default language Nema skupova oznaka koji odgovaraju zadanim jeziku upitnika
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Error: You are trying to use duplicate answer codes. | Greška: Pokušavate koristiti postojeće kôdove odgovora. | Details | |
Error: You are trying to use duplicate answer codes. Greška: Pokušavate koristiti postojeće kôdove odgovora.
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Quick-add answers | Brzo dodavanje odgovora | Details | |
You cannot delete the last answer option. | Ne možeš obrisati posljedni izbor odgovora. | Details | |
You cannot delete the last answer option. Ne možeš obrisati posljedni izbor odgovora.
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New answer option | Nova opcija odgovora | Details | |
Edit answer options | Izmijeni opcije odgovora | Details | |
Visit our website! | Posjetite našu web stranicu! | Details | |
Support this project - Donate to | Podržite ovaj projekat - Doniraj | Details | |
Support this project - Donate to Podržite ovaj projekat - Doniraj
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Status | Status | Details | |
Online manual | Online priručnik | Details | |
Online Manual | Online priručnik | Details | |
Done. Test your survey using the %s icon. | Gotovo. Testirajte upitnik putem %s ikone. | Details | |
Done. Test your survey using the %s icon. Gotovo. Testirajte upitnik putem %s ikone.
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Create one or more questions inside the new question group. | Kreirajte jedno ili više pitanja unutar nove skupine pitanja. | Details | |
Create one or more questions inside the new question group. Kreirajte jedno ili više pitanja unutar nove skupine pitanja.
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