Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Translate survey | Prevedi upitnik | Details | |
A survey participants table has been created for this survey and the old participants were imported. | Stvorena je tablica ispitanika upitnika i uvezeni su stari ispitanici. | Details | |
A survey participants table has been created for this survey and the old participants were imported. Stvorena je tablica ispitanika upitnika i uvezeni su stari ispitanici.
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A participant table has been created for this survey. | Tablica a je uspješno kreirana za ovaj upitnik. | Details | |
A participant table has been created for this survey. Tablica a je uspješno kreirana za ovaj upitnik.
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Bounce settings have been saved. | Postavke za odbijene poruke su spremljene. | Details | |
Bounce settings have been saved. Postavke za odbijene poruke su spremljene.
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Bounce settings | Postavke za odbijene poruke | Details | |
A backup of this table has been made, which can only be accessed by your site administrator. | Sigurnosna kopija ove tablice je kreirana i administrator joj može pristupiti. | Details | |
A backup of this table has been made, which can only be accessed by your site administrator. Sigurnosna kopija ove tablice je kreirana i administrator joj može pristupiti.
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A backup of this table will be made if you proceed. Your site administrator will be able to access this table. | Sigurnosna kopija će biti stvorena u slučaju da nastavite. Sistem administrator može pristupiti ovoj tablici. | Details | |
A backup of this table will be made if you proceed. Your site administrator will be able to access this table. Sigurnosna kopija će biti stvorena u slučaju da nastavite. Sistem administrator može pristupiti ovoj tablici.
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Clicking 'Yes' will generate access codes for all those in this participant list that have not been issued one. Continue? | Ako kliknete 'Da', generirat će se pristupni kôdovi za sve ispitanike ovog popisa kojima još nisu dodijeljeni. Nastaviti? | Details | |
Clicking 'Yes' will generate access codes for all those in this participant list that have not been issued one. Continue? Ako kliknete 'Da', generirat će se pristupni kôdovi za sve ispitanike ovog popisa kojima još nisu dodijeljeni. Nastaviti?
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Can't connect to the LDAP directory | Ne može se povezati sa LDAP direktorijem | Details | |
Can't connect to the LDAP directory Ne može se povezati sa LDAP direktorijem
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We are sorry but you don't have permissions to do this. | Žao nam je, ali nemate dozvole za ovo. | Details | |
We are sorry but you don't have permissions to do this. Žao nam je, ali nemate dozvole za ovo.
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Uploading LDAP Query | Učitavanje LDAP upita | Details | |
not having been sent an invitation already | nije već poslana pozivnica | Details | |
not having been sent an invitation already nije već poslana pozivnica
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having a valid email address | imaju valjanu e-mail adresu | Details | |
having a valid email address imaju valjanu e-mail adresu
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There were no eligible emails to send. This will be because none satisfied the criteria of: | Nema e-mail poruka kvalificiranih za slanje. To je zato što nisu zadovoljili kriterije: | Details | |
There were no eligible emails to send. This will be because none satisfied the criteria of: Nema e-mail poruka kvalificiranih za slanje. To je zato što nisu zadovoljili kriterije:
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Reminder sent to: | Podsjetnik poslan: | Details | |
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