Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Open-access mode | Modu irekiko inkesta | Details | |
This is a controlled survey. You need a valid access code to participate. | Inkesta honek sarbide mugatua du. Parte hartzeko pasahitza behar duzu. | Details | |
This is a controlled survey. You need a valid access code to participate. Inkesta honek sarbide mugatua du. Parte hartzeko pasahitza behar duzu.
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There is already an entry with that exact access code in the table. The same access code cannot be used in multiple entries. | Badago jada taulan beste inkestatu bat pasahitz berdinarekin. Ezin da erabili pasahitz bera inkestatu desberdinentzat. | Details | |
There is already an entry with that exact access code in the table. The same access code cannot be used in multiple entries. Badago jada taulan beste inkestatu bat pasahitz berdinarekin. Ezin da erabili pasahitz bera inkestatu desberdinentzat.
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(No default value) | <Ez dago lehenetsitako baliorik> | Details | |
(No default value)
Warning: Expected <No default value>, got <Ez dago lehenetsitako baliorik>.
<Ez dago lehenetsitako baliorik>
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There are no more questions. Please use the `Submit` button to finish this survey. | Ez dago galdera gehiago. Mesedez, sakatu <Bidali> botoia inkesta amaitzeko. | Details | |
There are no more questions. Please use the `Submit` button to finish this survey.
Warning: Expected <Submit>, got <Bidali>.
Ez dago galdera gehiago. Mesedez, sakatu <Bidali> botoia inkesta amaitzeko.
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5 point choice | Aukeratu 1etik 5era | Details | |
Array (5 point choice) | Matrizea (aukeratu 1etik 5era) | Details | |
Array (10 point choice) | Matrizea (aukeratu 1etik 10era) | Details | |
Array (10 point choice) Matrizea (aukeratu 1etik 10era)
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Multiple numerical input | Sarrera zenbakidun anitza | Details | |
Numerical input | Sarrera zenbakiduna | Details | |
Multiple short text | Testu labur anitza | Details | |
Huge free text | Testu aske erraldoia | Details | |
Dear {FIRSTNAME},↵ ↵ This email is to confirm that you have completed the survey titled {SURVEYNAME} and your response has been saved. Thank you for participating.↵ ↵ If you have any further questions about this email, please contact {ADMINNAME} on {ADMINEMAIL}.↵ ↵ Sincerely,↵ ↵ {ADMINNAME} | {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} jauna/andrea: Mezu hau "{SURVEYNAME}" izeneko inkesta amaitu duzula eta erantzunak gorde direla egiaztatzeko da. Eskerrik asko parte hartzeagatik! Zalantzarik baduzu edo zerbait kontsultatu nahi baduzu, pertsona honekin: {ADMINNAME}, helbide elektroniko honetan: {ADMINEMAIL}, harremanetan jarri, mesedez. Jaso ezazu agur bero bat, {ADMINNAME} | Details | |
Dear {FIRSTNAME},↵ ↵ This email is to confirm that you have completed the survey titled {SURVEYNAME} and your response has been saved. Thank you for participating.↵ ↵ If you have any further questions about this email, please contact {ADMINNAME} on {ADMINEMAIL}.↵ ↵ Sincerely,↵ ↵ {ADMINNAME} {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} jauna/andrea:↵ ↵ Mezu hau "{SURVEYNAME}" izeneko inkesta amaitu duzula eta erantzunak gorde direla egiaztatzeko da.↵ ↵ Eskerrik asko parte hartzeagatik!↵ ↵ Zalantzarik baduzu edo zerbait kontsultatu nahi baduzu, pertsona honekin: {ADMINNAME}, helbide elektroniko honetan: {ADMINEMAIL}, harremanetan jarri, mesedez.↵ ↵ Jaso ezazu agur bero bat,↵ ↵ {ADMINNAME}
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Dear {FIRSTNAME},↵ ↵ You have been invited to participate in a survey.↵ ↵ The survey is titled:↵ "{SURVEYNAME}"↵ ↵ "{SURVEYDESCRIPTION}"↵ ↵ To participate, please click on the link below.↵ ↵ Sincerely,↵ ↵ {ADMINNAME} ({ADMINEMAIL})↵ ↵ ----------------------------------------------↵ Click here to do the survey:↵ {SURVEYURL} | {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} jauna/andrea: Inkesta honetan parte hartzera gonbidatuta zaude: «{SURVEYNAME}» «{SURVEYDESCRIPTION}» Parte hartzeko, sakatu beheko estekan: {SURVEYURL} Eskerrik asko zure interesagatik eta parte hartzeagatik! Adeitasunez, {ADMINNAME} ({ADMINEMAIL}) | Details | |
Dear {FIRSTNAME},↵ ↵ You have been invited to participate in a survey.↵ ↵ The survey is titled:↵ "{SURVEYNAME}"↵ ↵ "{SURVEYDESCRIPTION}"↵ ↵ To participate, please click on the link below.↵ ↵ Sincerely,↵ ↵ {ADMINNAME} ({ADMINEMAIL})↵ ↵ ----------------------------------------------↵ Click here to do the survey:↵ {SURVEYURL} {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} jauna/andrea:↵ ↵ Inkesta honetan parte hartzera gonbidatuta zaude:↵ ↵ «{SURVEYNAME}»↵ ↵ «{SURVEYDESCRIPTION}»↵ ↵ Parte hartzeko, sakatu beheko estekan:↵ ↵ {SURVEYURL}↵ ↵ Eskerrik asko zure interesagatik eta parte hartzeagatik!↵ ↵ Adeitasunez,↵ ↵ {ADMINNAME} ({ADMINEMAIL})
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If you are blocklisted but want to participate in this survey and want to receive invitations please click the following link:↵ {OPTINURL} | Erabiltzaileen zerrenda beltzean bazaude, baina inkesta honetan parte hartu nahi baduzu eta gonbidapenak jaso nahi badituzu, sakatu, mesedez, esteka honetan: {OPTINURL} | Details | |
If you are blocklisted but want to participate in this survey and want to receive invitations please click the following link:↵ {OPTINURL} Erabiltzaileen zerrenda beltzean bazaude, baina inkesta honetan parte hartu nahi baduzu eta gonbidapenak jaso nahi badituzu, sakatu, mesedez, esteka honetan:↵ {OPTINURL}
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