Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Thank you for registering to participate in this survey. | Mila esker inkesta honetan parte hartzeagatik. | Details | |
Thank you for registering to participate in this survey. Mila esker inkesta honetan parte hartzeagatik.
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%s cannot be left empty | %s ezin da hutsik utzi | Details | |
The email you used is not valid. Please try again. | Helbide elektronikoa ez da zuzena. Mesedez, berriro saiatu. | Details | |
The email you used is not valid. Please try again. Helbide elektronikoa ez da zuzena. Mesedez, berriro saiatu.
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The answer to the security question is incorrect. | Segurtasun-galderari emandako erantzuna okerra da. | Details | |
The answer to the security question is incorrect. Segurtasun-galderari emandako erantzuna okerra da.
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Your answer | Zure erantzuna | Details | |
Question | Galdera | Details | |
Survey name (ID) | Inkestaren izena (ID) | Details | |
PDF export | Esportatu PDFra | Details | |
Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance. | Jarri harremanetan %s-rekin (%s), laguntza behar izanez gero. | Details | |
Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance. Jarri harremanetan %s-rekin (%s), laguntza behar izanez gero.
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Either you have been inactive for too long, you have cookies disabled for your browser, or there were problems with your connection. | Oso denbora luzean egon zara ez aktibo, cookie-ak desaktibatuta dituzu zure nabigatzailean edo arazoak daude zure konexioarekin. | Details | |
Either you have been inactive for too long, you have cookies disabled for your browser, or there were problems with your connection. Oso denbora luzean egon zara ez aktibo, cookie-ak desaktibatuta dituzu zure nabigatzailean edo arazoak daude zure konexioarekin.
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We are sorry but your session has expired. | Barkatu, baina zure saioa amaitu egin da. | Details | |
We are sorry but your session has expired. Barkatu, baina zure saioa amaitu egin da.
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You have been successfully removed from this survey. | Behar bezala ezabatua izan zara inkesta honetatik. | Details | |
You have been successfully removed from this survey. Behar bezala ezabatua izan zara inkesta honetatik.
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You have been already removed from this survey. | Aldez aurretik ezabatua izan zara inkesta honetatik. | Details | |
You have been already removed from this survey. Aldez aurretik ezabatua izan zara inkesta honetatik.
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You have been successfully added back to this survey. | Inkesta honetara berriro gehitua izan zara. | Details | |
You have been successfully added back to this survey. Inkesta honetara berriro gehitua izan zara.
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You are not a participant in this survey. | Ez zara inkesta honetako parte-hartzaile! | Details | |
You are not a participant in this survey. Ez zara inkesta honetako parte-hartzaile!
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