Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Save state | Gem stat | Details | |
Store the state? | Gem tilstand? | Details | |
Save city | Gem by | Details | |
Store the city? | Gem byen? | Details | |
Location | Beliggenhed | Details | |
Auto-check exclusive option if all others are checked | Marker automatisk det eksklusive svar hvis alle andre er markerede | Details | |
Auto-check exclusive option if all others are checked Marker automatisk det eksklusive svar hvis alle andre er markerede
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If the participant marks all options, uncheck all and check the option set in the "Exclusive option" setting | Hvis deltageren markerer alle svar, så fjern alle markeringer og valgmuligheden under "Eksklusive muligheder" indstillingen | Details | |
If the participant marks all options, uncheck all and check the option set in the "Exclusive option" setting Hvis deltageren markerer alle svar, så fjern alle markeringer og valgmuligheden under "Eksklusive muligheder" indstillingen
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Exclusive option | Eksklusiv valgmulighed | Details | |
Logic | Logik | Details | |
Subquestion validation tip | Underspørgsmåls validerings tip | Details | |
Subquestion validation tip Underspørgsmåls validerings tip
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This is a tip shown to the participant describing the subquestion validation equation. | Dette er et tip vist til deltageren, der beskriver underspørgsmåls vurderings ligningen. | Details | |
This is a tip shown to the participant describing the subquestion validation equation. Dette er et tip vist til deltageren, der beskriver underspørgsmåls vurderings ligningen.
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Subquestion validation equation | Underspørgsmåls validerings logik/ligning | Details | |
Subquestion validation equation Underspørgsmåls validerings logik/ligning
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Enter a boolean equation to validate each subquestion. | Indtast en boolesk ligning for at validere hver underspørgsmål. | Details | |
Enter a boolean equation to validate each subquestion. Indtast en boolesk ligning for at validere hver underspørgsmål.
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Question validation tip | Spørgsmåls valideringstip | Details | |
This is a hint text that will be shown to the participant describing the question validation equation. | Denne tekst er et vink, som vil blive vist til deltageren for at beskrive ligningen, der bruges ved validering af spørgsmålet. | Details | |
This is a hint text that will be shown to the participant describing the question validation equation. Denne tekst er et vink, som vil blive vist til deltageren for at beskrive ligningen, der bruges ved validering af spørgsmålet.
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