Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Reminder(s) sent | Wedi anfon nodyn/nodiadau atgoffa | Details | |
Reminder status: | Statws atgoffa: | Details | |
Not invited | Heb wahodd | Details | |
Invited | Wedi gwahodd | Details | |
All | Pob un | Details | |
Invitation status: | Statws gwahoddiad: | Details | |
Started but not yet completed | Wedi cychwyn ond heb gwblhau eto | Details | |
Started but not yet completed Wedi cychwyn ond heb gwblhau eto
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Not started | Heb gychwyn | Details | |
There are {EMAILCOUNT} emails still to be sent. | Mae {EMAILCOUNT} o negeseuon e-bost i'w hanfon o hyd. | Details | |
There are {EMAILCOUNT} emails still to be sent. Mae {EMAILCOUNT} o negeseuon e-bost i'w hanfon o hyd.
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There are more emails pending than can be sent in one batch. Continue sending emails by clicking below. | Mae mwy o negeseuon e-bost yn disgwyl nag y gellir eu hanfon mewn un swp. Ewch ymlaen i anfon negeseuon e-bost drwy glicio isod. | Details | |
There are more emails pending than can be sent in one batch. Continue sending emails by clicking below. Mae mwy o negeseuon e-bost yn disgwyl nag y gellir eu hanfon mewn un swp. Ewch ymlaen i anfon negeseuon e-bost drwy glicio isod.
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Sending invitations... | Wrthi'n anfon gwahoddiadau... | Details | |
Bypass participants with failing email addresses: | Hepgor tocyn gyda chyfeiriad e-bost annilys | Details | |
Bypass participants with failing email addresses: Hepgor tocyn gyda chyfeiriad e-bost annilys
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This survey is not yet activated and so your participants won't be able to fill out the survey. | Dydy'r arolwg hwn ddim wedi'i roi ar waith eto ac felly fydd eich cyfranogwyr ddim yn gallu llenwi'r arolwg. | Details | |
This survey is not yet activated and so your participants won't be able to fill out the survey. Dydy'r arolwg hwn ddim wedi'i roi ar waith eto ac felly fydd eich cyfranogwyr ddim yn gallu llenwi'r arolwg.
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Warning! | Rhybudd! | Details | |
Send email invitations | Anfon gwahoddiadau e-bost | Details | |
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