Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The minimum number of files has not been uploaded. | No s'ha carregat la quantitat mínima de fitxers | Details | |
The minimum number of files has not been uploaded. No s'ha carregat la quantitat mínima de fitxers
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Sorry, only %s extensions are allowed! | Només les extensions %s estan permeses. | Details | |
Sorry, only %s extensions are allowed! Només les extensions %s estan permeses.
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Sorry, the uploaded file (%s) is larger than the allowed filesize of %s KB. | El fitxer pujat (%s) és més gran que la mida permesa de %s KB. | Details | |
Sorry, the uploaded file (%s) is larger than the allowed filesize of %s KB. El fitxer pujat (%s) és més gran que la mida permesa de %s KB.
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There is no matching saved response. | No hi ha cap resposta desada coincident. | Details | |
There is no matching saved response. No hi ha cap resposta desada coincident.
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This variable name has already been used. | Aquest nom de variable ja s'ha utilitzat. | Details | |
This variable name has already been used. Aquest nom de variable ja s'ha utilitzat.
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Value | Valor | Details | |
Question attribute | Atribut de la pregunta | Details | |
Tip: | Consell: | Details | |
Help: | Ajuda: | Details | |
Default: | Per defecte: | Details | |
Text [Help] (Tip) | Text [Ajuda] (Consell) | Details | |
Name [ID] | Nom [ID] | Details | |
Invalid question - probably missing subquestions or language-specific settings for language %s | Pregunta no vàlida - probablement has oblidat configuracions específiques de l'idioma o subpreguntes per a l'idioma %s | Details | |
Invalid question - probably missing subquestions or language-specific settings for language %s Pregunta no vàlida - probablement has oblidat configuracions específiques de l'idioma o subpreguntes per a l'idioma %s
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Please rank all items. | Classifica tots els ítems. | Details | |
Please check at least one box per row. | Marca com a mínim una casella per fila. | Details | |
Please check at least one box per row. Marca com a mínim una casella per fila.
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