Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Colors | 顏色 | Details | |
Variations | 變化 | Details | |
Check logic for the survey | 檢查問卷邏輯 | Details | |
Validation summary | 驗證總結 | Details | |
Validation detail (Validation summary must also be checked to see detail) | 驗證細節(還必須檢查驗證摘要以查看細節) | Details | |
Validation detail (Validation summary must also be checked to see detail) 驗證細節(還必須檢查驗證摘要以查看細節)
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Select an option | 選取任一選項 | Details | |
Continue without answering to this question. | 繼續但不回答這條問題 | Details | |
Continue without answering to this question. 繼續但不回答這條問題
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Could not save survey | 無法儲存問卷 | Details | |
Answer options order | 答案選項順序 | Details | |
Present answer options in normal, random or alphabetical order | 按正常、隨機或字母順序顯示答案選項 | Details | |
Present answer options in normal, random or alphabetical order 按正常、隨機或字母順序顯示答案選項
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Random | 隨機 | Details | |
Alphabetical | 字母順序 | Details | |
Normal | 正常 | Details | |
Invalid access code | 存取碼無效 | Details | |
Invalid format | 無效格式 | Details | |
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