Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Database has been created | 資料庫已建立。 | Details | |
There are no more questions. Please use the `Submit` button to finish this survey. | 沒有問題了。請按<送出>按鈕來完成本問卷。 | Details | |
There are no more questions. Please use the `Submit` button to finish this survey. 沒有問題了。請按<送出>按鈕來完成本問卷。
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If you are blocklisted but want to participate in this survey and want to receive invitations please click the following link:↵ {OPTINURL} | 假如您被排除但仍想參加此次調查並收到邀請函請點擊以下連結:\n {OPTINURL} | Details | |
If you are blocklisted but want to participate in this survey and want to receive invitations please click the following link:↵ {OPTINURL} 假如您被排除但仍想參加此次調查並收到邀請函請點擊以下連結:\n↵ {OPTINURL}
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Survey group permissions were successfully updated. | 問卷權限已成功更新。 | Details | |
Survey group permissions were successfully updated. 問卷權限已成功更新。
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Your browser reports that it was used previously to answer this survey.↵ We are resetting the session so that you can start from the beginning. | 您的瀏覽器指出之前已回應過本問卷。我們將重設連線以便您能從新開始。 | Details | |
Your browser reports that it was used previously to answer this survey.↵ We are resetting the session so that you can start from the beginning. 您的瀏覽器指出之前已回應過本問卷。我們將重設連線以便您能從新開始。
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Edit survey permissions for user group %s | 編輯使用者群組 %s 的調查權限 | Details | |
Edit survey permissions for user group %s 編輯使用者群組 %s 的調查權限
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