Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Hints and warnings | 提示與警告: | Details | |
Add to user group | 新增至使用者群組 | Details | |
Maintenance modes:↵ Off↵ Soft lock - participants are able to finish started surveys, no new participants are allowed↵ Full lock - none of participants are allowed to take survey, even if they already started to take it | 維護模式: Off 軟鎖定 - 參與者可以完成已開始的調查,不允許新的參與者 完整鎖定 - 即使已經開始接受調查,也不允許任何參與者參加調查 | Details | |
Maintenance modes:↵ Off↵ Soft lock - participants are able to finish started surveys, no new participants are allowed↵ Full lock - none of participants are allowed to take survey, even if they already started to take it 維護模式:↵ Off↵ 軟鎖定 - 參與者可以完成已開始的調查,不允許新的參與者↵ 完整鎖定 - 即使已經開始接受調查,也不允許任何參與者參加調查
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Do you want to take ownership of this user? | 您是否取得此用戶所有權 | Details | |
Do you want to take ownership of this user? 您是否取得此用戶所有權
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Reset load error for plugin %s (%s) | 外掛程式 %d 的重設載入錯誤 | Details | |
Warning: Please enforce SSL encryption in Global settings/Security after SSL is properly configured for your webserver. | 警告:請在為您的網頁伺服器正確設定 SSL 後,在全域設定/安全性中強制執行 SSL 編碼。 | Details | |
Warning: Please enforce SSL encryption in Global settings/Security after SSL is properly configured for your webserver. 警告:請在為您的網頁伺服器正確設定 SSL 後,在全域設定/安全性中強制執行 SSL 編碼。
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If you want to specify a link to the privacy policy, ↵ set "Show privacy policy text with mandatory checkbox" to "Collapsible text" and use the placeholders {STARTPOLICYLINK} and {ENDPOLICYLINK} in the ↵ "Privacy policy checkbox label" field to define the link that opens the policy popup. If there is no placeholder given, there will be an appendix. | 若要指定隱私權政策的連結,請將「顯示隱私權政策文本與強制性勾選框」設定為「可折疊文本」,並在「隱私權政策勾選框標號」欄位中使用佔位符 {STARTPOLICYLINK} 與 {ENDPOLICYLINK},以便定義開啟政策快顯視窗的連結。若沒有指定佔位符,則會有附錄。 | Details | |
If you want to specify a link to the privacy policy, ↵ set "Show privacy policy text with mandatory checkbox" to "Collapsible text" and use the placeholders {STARTPOLICYLINK} and {ENDPOLICYLINK} in the ↵ "Privacy policy checkbox label" field to define the link that opens the policy popup. If there is no placeholder given, there will be an appendix. 若要指定隱私權政策的連結,請將「顯示隱私權政策文本與強制性勾選框」設定為「可折疊文本」,並在「隱私權政策勾選框標號」欄位中使用佔位符 {STARTPOLICYLINK} 與 {ENDPOLICYLINK},以便定義開啟政策快顯視窗的連結。若沒有指定佔位符,則會有附錄。
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Blocklisted? | 被黑名單? | Details | |
Broken survey themes | 損壞的調查主題: | Details | |
Group can not be deleted, because of depending conditions | 由於問題的邏輯條件引用到此,無法刪除本題組 | Details | |
Group can not be deleted, because of depending conditions 由於問題的邏輯條件引用到此,無法刪除本題組
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Permission to view, update the survey settings including survey participants table creation | 瀏覽/更新問卷設定(包括建立問卷參與者資料表)的權限 | Details | |
Permission to view, update the survey settings including survey participants table creation 瀏覽/更新問卷設定(包括建立問卷參與者資料表)的權限
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Notice: Field '%s' (%s) was left empty, even though it is a mandatory attribute. | 注意:欄位「%s」中沒有內容,但是個必填屬性。 | Details | |
Notice: Field '%s' (%s) was left empty, even though it is a mandatory attribute. 注意:欄位「%s」中沒有內容,但是個必填屬性。
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Inherited | 繼承而來 | Details | |
Invalid group ID | 無效的群組 ID | Details | |
No shared participants found. | 找不到共享參與者 | Details | |
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